Thursday, October 28, 2021

Thank you for what you do!

Last night I presented the 2022 budget request for the Kenosha County Library System. (Don't forget we run both the city's library and the county system that provides technology support and delivery to all libraries in the county.) So for this budget I appeared before the County Supervisors Finance Committee. I was really nervous all afternoon, wondering how our request for more money in 2022 based on a year when we had such a significant decrease in business (2020) would fly with the group. Turns out I didn't need to worry at all.

From the moment I walked into the county administration building I was met with warm smiles and greetings. While I took my seat in the audience, one Supervisor came over to shake the "library lady's" hand, another told me how wonderful Nora's story times are at the Uptown Library and how much his family adores Shawn Wolf. When it came my time to sit at the table and talk money, I had their rapt attention, and their strong support. I could feel so much respect and admiration for the work of the library in that room! 

For the past year I have heard weekly stories from system directors about how towns and villages are trying to close their libraries, how they are slashing their budgets, and how the staff is afraid to come back and open the doors not only for fear of the virus but because they will face anger from the public for simply wearing a mask.

And so I want to thank you for all that you do every day to make this community so very proud of KPL! They love our buildings, they love our collections, they love our programs, but most of all, they love YOU! 

I'll be taking a few days off, but will be back on Monday. Please check in with Linda or Rob for matters that can't wait in my absence. I'll be around, too, so I'm just a phone call away.


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