Friday, October 8, 2021

News for the week


Simmons dome gets new light bulbs, thanks to our very brave maintenance staff. How lucky we are to have such a beautiful building so well cared for! 

Thanks to all of you who participated in Outreach efforts for National Library Card Signup Month! We issued 115 new cards! People are telling me they see the library everywhere and they really love it! Nice work, everyone!

DPI has announced the library grant opportunities through ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act). Here's what we have planned so far.

Library Space and Safety Improvement (KCLS application)

  • Zoom rooms at KPL and Community Library. This includes equipping each study room with the technology to support telehealth, job interviews, and online education. It includes equipping activities rooms with the technology that would support a virtual classroom. 
  • Public drinking fountains converted to bottle water fountains at all locations.
  • Public Address systems at NS and SW to announce emergencies like tornado warnings.
  • Technology to support mobile classrooms in our activities rooms.
  • Display units to implement the suggestions from our space audit.
Library as Center for Community Resilience (Joint application with City Library Collective)
  • Staff training plan/ modules to equip us all with the skills to effectively manage behavior challenges. This will result in a full training program for all libraries in Wisconsin. It will also include support for a social work student intern and a clinical psychology intern at SI/UPT in spring 2022.
Hybrid Library Services
  • A series of book return units placed at various schools around town to make it easier to return library materials and avoid overdue fees. 
  • The increased cost of delivery service connected to emptying the book returns.

We have signed a contract with BiblioCommons to redesign our website, drive up collection use and inspire people to return to the library. Here's a fun video from Edmonton CA and a page about a Book Squad  in libraries using BiblioCommons. I can't wait to get started with some of the great ideas already in practice in libraries across the world.

This week's Bright Spot goes to our new RTG Joel Lee.
(From Martha) "I nominate Joel for a bright spot this week for offering his arm of support to an elderly woman walking from reference to the circulation desk to check out her books.  It was a handsome moment and the patron truly appreciated his kindness."

And congratulations to Carlice on her 30th anniversary with KPL!

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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...