Thursday, January 28, 2021

New Training Requirements in 2021

Hello, Everyone

Our new Strategic Plan calls on us to be mindful of equity, diversity, and inclusion in all our work. To that end, we are focusing our staff cultural competency training requirements specifically on these topics in the coming year. The United Way is offering  a free 21 Week Equity Challenge and we are assigning all KPL staff to participate

Here's more about the program and how it works from United Way:

United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in every community. That work calls us to confront the challenges and disparities in our communities and state. In each pillar of our work – Education, Income and Health, which we recognize as the building blocks for a good quality of life and strong community – Wisconsin residents face disparities along racial and ethnic lines.

While the pandemic reinforces the fact that every person's health is intertwined with the health of others in their community, racial and ethnic disparities observed in state health data demonstrates that Black, Brown, Indigenous, and other communities of color are suffering a disproportionate impact, and bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic. The 
2020 Wisconsin ALICE Report found that nearly 66% of Black households and 48% of Hispanic households fell below the ALICE threshold compared to 32% of White households.

This past year, our country again confronted the painful, long-standing reality of racial inequity and the deadly results of racism and injustice that permeate so many communities. We saw that confrontation come to a head in our communities and on our streets – and in this difficult moment, we’ve seen our local United Ways rise to the challenge of acknowledging and confronting racism in their communities. The stark reality of racial disparities, racism and inequity throughout Wisconsin calls us to recognize, understand and act against racism and racial inequity.

We know that when we Live United, we must Live United for everyone.


The challenge begins Monday, February 1st and each Monday for 21 weeks - through June 21st, you will receive an email to help you explore, develop deeper interpersonal understandings, build a stronger awareness of current systems, and be offered opportunities to take action. Individuals are encouraged to take on the challenge themselves, or form groups for discussion and reflection.

There are many ways to embrace and interact with the challenge, including:

  • LEARN - Read, Watch, Listen to the content shared each week.
  • REFLECT - Think about the questions that are offered for self-reflection. Track your reflections using our fillable tracking form.
  • CONNECT - Talk with your colleagues, family, and friends about what you are experiencing. You may find it helpful to use a discussion guide like this one.
  • TAKE ACTION - Engage in conversations and events hosted by your local United Way or other community groups that contribute to equity and racial justice in our community.
  • SHARE - Share the 21 Week Equity Challenge badge on your social media and invite others to join (download the badge from our website).

Challenge emails will arrive in your inbox from "UWWi 21 Week Challenge <> " Please add our email address to your safe list to ensure successful delivery.

We recognize information shared during the Challenge may be emotionally and intellectually challenging to engage with, especially for people who have experienced racism and oppression. We understand and encourage you to take a break from the Challenge, whenever you may need and return when you are ready. All content provided throughout the Challenge is accessible on our website. There, you will also find a tool for taking notes on each week’s challenge, as well as a general guide to group discussions on our website.


Download the Challenge badge and share on social media and in your email signature to invite friends and family to join.


  • KPL staff will read their 21 Week Challenge email and thoughtfully consider the message. We expect 80% (17 weeks) or more participation to achieve a satisfactory performance review.
  • KPL staff will track their participation on the staff training documentation form
  • KPL Supervisors will schedule time and make equipment available to staff for participation. 
  • KPL Supervisors will check in periodically with staff to ensure regular participation.
  • All staff will join at least one group discussion offered by KPL in the coming year related to the topics covered in the Challenge. There will be plenty of opportunities and you are encouraged to participate in more than one. Attendance at one is required to achieve a satisfactory performance review.
  • All staff will consider how Challenge material applies to library service and bring forth ideas on how we can improve service to all members of our community. 
No person and no organization is perfect, no matter how hard we try. There is always more to learn.  It is an enormous responsibility to serve every single person in this community to our very best ability, and there is much we still do not know. Our intent is to learn as much as we can about the perspectives of the people we serve so we can create a library that welcomes everyone. Please keep an open mind and do your best to engage with the material presented. It's hard work, but it's necessary work.


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