Thursday, January 28, 2021


Starting Monday, February 1st, we'll keep our doors unlocked for patron visits until 5pm M-Sat at NS and SW. Both in-person visits and curbside service will end at 5pm. Sunday hours will remain the same. We hope to return to pre-pandemic hours once the majority of staff have received their 2nd dose of vaccine.

Thanks to everyone who responded on the form Michelle sent out about their interest in receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. As you know, the vaccine is in short supply and we are very fortunate to have been included in this early phase. It's really important to provide an accurate count to the city so they don't waste any vaccine.
Here are a few things to know:

  • All city employees are eligible to receive the vaccine in the upcoming Phase 1b. That phase is currently estimated to begin around March 1, but KFD believes as long as enough vaccine is available, we will get vaccinated earlier than March 1. 
  • Your family is not eligible for the city administered vaccine, even if they are covered by the city's health insurance plan.
  • The city is purchasing the vaccine and will pay the cost of administering it for us. There is no charge to you to get the vaccine is you sign up for the city vaccination event, even if you are uninsured.
  • United Healthcare plans will pay for the cost of the vaccine but not the cost of administering the vaccine, according to city HR. So if you get the vaccine at your doctor's office, you may incur some costs.
  • It is critical not to waste this precious vaccine that must be kept under strict temperature control. Vials left out of refrigeration for more than 6 hours are no longer effective. There are 10 doses per vial. So the number of people vaccinated per day will be a factor of 10.
  • After your shot, you will be required to stay under observation for 15 minutes before you leave the administration site to make sure you have no adverse reaction to the shot.
  • KFD reports that many people will have a sore arm, much like after the flu shot. If you have had COVID-19 you are likely to feel lousy for a day or two. Don't forget that it is possible that many of us have been unknowingly positive with no symptoms. So feeling mild symptoms after the vaccine will be possible.
  • Whatever brand of vaccine the city gets is the vaccine we will receive. They don't know whether it will be Pfizer or Moderna or another. They will accept whatever is shipped to them. You may have a choice at the time of injection because they got a mixed shipment, or you may not.  If you have a strong opinion that would prevent you from taking a certain brand, you should indicate that on your form so they don't hold a spot for you unnecessarily.
  • Our second round of shots will occur at least 28 days after the first, and as long as 3 months after the first, depending on the availability of vaccine.
  • There  will be no second round of vaccinations for employees opting out of this first round. If you say no now and then change your mind, you'll need to  work through your healthcare provider to get the vaccine. The city does not intend to repeat this program. If you don't receive the first dose from the city, you can't receive the second dose from them, either. 

I encourage you to reach out to city administration to express your gratitude for including library staff in this early phase of vaccinations. We shouldn't take this for granted. I know of no other library in the state that has been elevated to such status. Personally, I am incredibly grateful.

John Morrisey, City Administrator

John  Antaramian, Mayor

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