Friday, January 29, 2021

A few news tidbits and a Bright Spot

  • I'm delighted to report that 6 KPL Board members have enthusiastically agreed to join us in the United Way 21 Week Equity Challenge! They will also be joining us in conversation when we resume the IDEA team meetings. 
  • We'll be taking a proposal to the Board on Tuesday that provides teens ages 12-19 with the option to "read off" their accumulated fines and restore library privileges. We'll share all the details with you once we get board approval. Thanks to Alejandria for this wonderful idea!
  • The KPL Foundation met this week and agreed to fund a postcard campaign entitled "Libraries Step Up!" This campaign was developed by marketing staff at 2 Wisconsin library systems and has been shared with all Wisconsin libraries. We'll be offering patrons postcards to send to their legislators praising our services during the pandemic and advocating for our continued financial support. Once the postcards are printed, we'll share the campaign logistical details with you.

This week's Bright Spot Award goes to Gina Williamson. Here's the nomination:

I want to nominate Gina W. for a Bright Spot. This week she sat down with me and walked me through the process of creating library cards for patrons (a skill that had previously alluded me). Before sitting down with Gina, I felt completely lost in WorkFlows. Afterwards, I felt so much more confident in using WorkFlows and creating library cards for patrons. I can't wait to put my newly acquired skills to the test and will be pushing many of our teens to get library cards. Gina is a wealth of knowledge and truly a gem. 

I could agree more, Alejandria! It's a joy to witness Gina as she guides the public through the printing/scanning/copying process. She is so friendly and patient with everyone she meets. Thanks for making everyone feel so welcome, Gina!

Thursday, January 28, 2021

New Training Requirements in 2021

Hello, Everyone

Our new Strategic Plan calls on us to be mindful of equity, diversity, and inclusion in all our work. To that end, we are focusing our staff cultural competency training requirements specifically on these topics in the coming year. The United Way is offering  a free 21 Week Equity Challenge and we are assigning all KPL staff to participate

Here's more about the program and how it works from United Way:

United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in every community. That work calls us to confront the challenges and disparities in our communities and state. In each pillar of our work – Education, Income and Health, which we recognize as the building blocks for a good quality of life and strong community – Wisconsin residents face disparities along racial and ethnic lines.

While the pandemic reinforces the fact that every person's health is intertwined with the health of others in their community, racial and ethnic disparities observed in state health data demonstrates that Black, Brown, Indigenous, and other communities of color are suffering a disproportionate impact, and bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic. The 
2020 Wisconsin ALICE Report found that nearly 66% of Black households and 48% of Hispanic households fell below the ALICE threshold compared to 32% of White households.

This past year, our country again confronted the painful, long-standing reality of racial inequity and the deadly results of racism and injustice that permeate so many communities. We saw that confrontation come to a head in our communities and on our streets – and in this difficult moment, we’ve seen our local United Ways rise to the challenge of acknowledging and confronting racism in their communities. The stark reality of racial disparities, racism and inequity throughout Wisconsin calls us to recognize, understand and act against racism and racial inequity.

We know that when we Live United, we must Live United for everyone.


The challenge begins Monday, February 1st and each Monday for 21 weeks - through June 21st, you will receive an email to help you explore, develop deeper interpersonal understandings, build a stronger awareness of current systems, and be offered opportunities to take action. Individuals are encouraged to take on the challenge themselves, or form groups for discussion and reflection.

There are many ways to embrace and interact with the challenge, including:

  • LEARN - Read, Watch, Listen to the content shared each week.
  • REFLECT - Think about the questions that are offered for self-reflection. Track your reflections using our fillable tracking form.
  • CONNECT - Talk with your colleagues, family, and friends about what you are experiencing. You may find it helpful to use a discussion guide like this one.
  • TAKE ACTION - Engage in conversations and events hosted by your local United Way or other community groups that contribute to equity and racial justice in our community.
  • SHARE - Share the 21 Week Equity Challenge badge on your social media and invite others to join (download the badge from our website).

Challenge emails will arrive in your inbox from "UWWi 21 Week Challenge <> " Please add our email address to your safe list to ensure successful delivery.

We recognize information shared during the Challenge may be emotionally and intellectually challenging to engage with, especially for people who have experienced racism and oppression. We understand and encourage you to take a break from the Challenge, whenever you may need and return when you are ready. All content provided throughout the Challenge is accessible on our website. There, you will also find a tool for taking notes on each week’s challenge, as well as a general guide to group discussions on our website.


Download the Challenge badge and share on social media and in your email signature to invite friends and family to join.


  • KPL staff will read their 21 Week Challenge email and thoughtfully consider the message. We expect 80% (17 weeks) or more participation to achieve a satisfactory performance review.
  • KPL staff will track their participation on the staff training documentation form
  • KPL Supervisors will schedule time and make equipment available to staff for participation. 
  • KPL Supervisors will check in periodically with staff to ensure regular participation.
  • All staff will join at least one group discussion offered by KPL in the coming year related to the topics covered in the Challenge. There will be plenty of opportunities and you are encouraged to participate in more than one. Attendance at one is required to achieve a satisfactory performance review.
  • All staff will consider how Challenge material applies to library service and bring forth ideas on how we can improve service to all members of our community. 
No person and no organization is perfect, no matter how hard we try. There is always more to learn.  It is an enormous responsibility to serve every single person in this community to our very best ability, and there is much we still do not know. Our intent is to learn as much as we can about the perspectives of the people we serve so we can create a library that welcomes everyone. Please keep an open mind and do your best to engage with the material presented. It's hard work, but it's necessary work.



Starting Monday, February 1st, we'll keep our doors unlocked for patron visits until 5pm M-Sat at NS and SW. Both in-person visits and curbside service will end at 5pm. Sunday hours will remain the same. We hope to return to pre-pandemic hours once the majority of staff have received their 2nd dose of vaccine.

Thanks to everyone who responded on the form Michelle sent out about their interest in receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. As you know, the vaccine is in short supply and we are very fortunate to have been included in this early phase. It's really important to provide an accurate count to the city so they don't waste any vaccine.
Here are a few things to know:

  • All city employees are eligible to receive the vaccine in the upcoming Phase 1b. That phase is currently estimated to begin around March 1, but KFD believes as long as enough vaccine is available, we will get vaccinated earlier than March 1. 
  • Your family is not eligible for the city administered vaccine, even if they are covered by the city's health insurance plan.
  • The city is purchasing the vaccine and will pay the cost of administering it for us. There is no charge to you to get the vaccine is you sign up for the city vaccination event, even if you are uninsured.
  • United Healthcare plans will pay for the cost of the vaccine but not the cost of administering the vaccine, according to city HR. So if you get the vaccine at your doctor's office, you may incur some costs.
  • It is critical not to waste this precious vaccine that must be kept under strict temperature control. Vials left out of refrigeration for more than 6 hours are no longer effective. There are 10 doses per vial. So the number of people vaccinated per day will be a factor of 10.
  • After your shot, you will be required to stay under observation for 15 minutes before you leave the administration site to make sure you have no adverse reaction to the shot.
  • KFD reports that many people will have a sore arm, much like after the flu shot. If you have had COVID-19 you are likely to feel lousy for a day or two. Don't forget that it is possible that many of us have been unknowingly positive with no symptoms. So feeling mild symptoms after the vaccine will be possible.
  • Whatever brand of vaccine the city gets is the vaccine we will receive. They don't know whether it will be Pfizer or Moderna or another. They will accept whatever is shipped to them. You may have a choice at the time of injection because they got a mixed shipment, or you may not.  If you have a strong opinion that would prevent you from taking a certain brand, you should indicate that on your form so they don't hold a spot for you unnecessarily.
  • Our second round of shots will occur at least 28 days after the first, and as long as 3 months after the first, depending on the availability of vaccine.
  • There  will be no second round of vaccinations for employees opting out of this first round. If you say no now and then change your mind, you'll need to  work through your healthcare provider to get the vaccine. The city does not intend to repeat this program. If you don't receive the first dose from the city, you can't receive the second dose from them, either. 

I encourage you to reach out to city administration to express your gratitude for including library staff in this early phase of vaccinations. We shouldn't take this for granted. I know of no other library in the state that has been elevated to such status. Personally, I am incredibly grateful.

John Morrisey, City Administrator

John  Antaramian, Mayor

Monday, January 25, 2021

Extended Hours @SW on February 16th

To accommodate the next local election, we are expanding our hours at SW only on Tuesday, February 16th. We will open for business at 7am and close at 8pm. The election will be held in the new Activities Room. 

All departments managers are aware and are adjusting schedules accordingly.

Thanks to all SW staff for your willingness to support the election process.


Friday, January 22, 2021

News for the Week

Big Read Updates from Jennifer:

We are on track to start book distribution on Monday, February 15th
Distribution Points are:
Kenosha Public Library
Community Library
Twin Lakes
Kenosha Civil War Museum
UW-Parkside Library (For students, faculty, & staff only)

Curbside pickup is available at all points except Simmons, Uptown, and the Civil War Museum.
UW-Parkside bought their own copies of the book and they will be for UWP affiliates only. Copies of the book will also be going to Carthage (20 copies to support the program they are doing) and to Bradford HS for a student book discussion, led by their school librarian. If any other local high schools reach back out, I will set aside some copies for them too. 

The website is in-the-works and is on track for a February 1st launch. It will include a calendar of events for registration and to supplement the information that couldn't be included in our print pamphlet, as well as a series of blog posts from myself, ADS, YFS, and OS throughout February and March. Brandi and Aaron will also be doing a weekly newsletter, using this blog content and an overview of programming for that week.

The pamphlet is at the printers now. I've attached the PDF version in my email message, so you can see what we have planned for programming. Aaron is planning to add links into to the calendar entries in a digital version of this document that will also be available on our website (and hopefully included in the weekly newsletters). Brandi and Linda are arranging for a team at SW to stuff the books, once the pamphlets arrive as a team-building activity. 

Brandi has also reached out to staff asking for anyone who has read the book to consider helping us create a short book discussion inspired promotional video (similar to the Best Books of 2020 one). 

  • Welcome to Kimberley Parker who joins the Outreach staff on Tuesday.
  • Check out Zander's Badgerlink story. Thanks for representing us on this important committee, Zander!
  • Th annual Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference is scheduled for January 27th and 28th. Sign up for one or more sessions- it' virtual and it's FREE.

This week's Bright Spot Award goes to Jake Bowen, who has brought so much sunshine to our staff for the past 3 years! Today is Jake's last full day at KPL. (He works a few hours tomorrow, too.) We are so sad to see him go, but so happy that he has landed the job of his dreams! Jake, you'll make a terrific school librarian and we'll be calling you for partnerships, you can bet on that!  Best wishes for a long and happy career with KUSD!

Friday, January 15, 2021

Public Statement on MLK Day

 Hello, Everyone

I have prepared this statement to the public on KPL's commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion. It will appear shortly on our website and through our social media outlets. Next week is Kindness Week in Kenosha, a community-wide effort to practice the teachings of great non-violent social activists like Martin Luther King, Jr. I encourage you to participate.  The events of the past few weeks make it clear that white supremacy and antisemitism are alive and well in the United States and call on each of us to recommit to a just and peaceful world. This is not a political issue. This is a moral issue. The work you do every day makes a positive difference!

Honoring the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

Monday we celebrate as a nation the profound and lasting legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Many government offices will be closed. The Library, however, will enthusiastically open its doors to everyone.  We can think of no better way to honor MLK's commitment to equity and justice than to provide free access to the world of ideas on this important day. 
The public library was founded on the principle that  in order for the great American Experiment of democracy to succeed, every citizen should have free and equal access to lifelong education. Make no mistake. The Public Library as an institution has not always lived up to its principles. Segregation in libraries was common in southern states until the 1970s and many activists gave their lives to establish Freedom Libraries to provide excluded African Americans with access to books. Library staff , library boards, and library collections still do not adequately reflect the communities we serve. Barriers to service still exist, however subtle. Much change still needs to happen if we aspire to live up to the principles on which we were founded.
As we begin a new year, Kenosha Public Library commits to improvement in service equity, staff and board diversity, and fostering a more inclusive environment in all our branches. I invite you to help us achieve these goals and become the best public library we can be for every person in every neighborhood of this city.  If we truly believe that a strong democracy requires an educated citizenry, we cannot fail.

Vaccination Distribution Questions Answered and other news

For those of you curious about vaccine distribution, and for our reference staff answering public questions,  Kenosha County Health Department shared this website to provide updated factual information. Of particular note is the fact that even after immunization, you must continue the protocols to mitigate the spread, including wearing a mask. I expect many people will think the pandemic is over for them once they're immunized. So we'll update our internal signage to make sure people continue to visit wearing face coverings. (Thank you, Brandi!)

The Wild Wisconsin Winter Web Conference happens later this month. There is no charge- our library system is a sponsor. Please take a look and choose one or more programs to attend. There is something for everyone and sessions are short- you don't need to sign up for the whole conference or even a whole day.

Do you love kids' books? Do you love to read to kids? YFS offers KPL Book Break, a call-in program for families to listen to a KPL staff member reading a book. It's easy to be the reader- just pre-record yourself reading a kids book.  You can record multiple versions till you get it just right. ( I think I re-recorded 5 times before I was satisfied!) Heather can give you all the details and offer you a full list of books to choose from. It's so fun- don't be shy!

This week's Bright Spot goes to Michelle who has been working really hard to wade though hundreds of applications and fill all our staff positions with great people. Between writing job ads and posting them, sifting through the apps, interviewing dozens of candidates, completing offer letters and employment forms, conducting background checks and phoning references, and then providing an orientation to the library (sometimes at 6:30am) for every single hire... well, you can imagine how hard she's working. So next time you see her, thank her for finding us such great KPLers!

Friday, January 8, 2021

Thanks for the Thanks and other news

Thanks for all the sweet messages I got from you this holiday season. All your kind words really brightened my first week of the new year, which turned out to be a real emotional roller coaster. I was glad we had a little extra money to do something nice for you. I wish it were a lot more. You deserve it!

Here's what's going on this week and next:

  • Normal library hours will resume at Simmons and Uptown on Monday. The Mayor has reopened Sheridan as of this afternoon, so I think that's a good sign that things will remain quiet through the weekend. If anything changes, we can quickly pull back.
  • Public meeting room reservations resume on Monday. See the January 4th blog post for details. 
  • Special thanks to Zander for once again hosting a lovely community conversation. I encourage you to participate in these discussions. It's a great place to learn from other people's perspectives and share your own in a safe setting. 
  • The 2021- 2023 Strategic Plan is complete! Here's what we'll be working on for the next three years. Thanks to everyone who created such an ambitious agenda! 
  • The next library board meeting is on Tuesday at 5:30. We'll go over what we accomplished over the last 3 years and talk about what we'll be doing for the next three. Board meetings are public meetings and you're always welcome to join us.
This week's Bright Spot goes to Jeff Linders for tracking down the thief who stole a section of our new copper downspouts at Uptown. Pretty impressive police work, Jeff! Thanks!

Have a lovely snowy weekend, everyone! 

Monday, January 4, 2021

Meeting Room Reservations Resume

Starting January 11th, we will begin to resume limited public meeting room reservations under very strict guidelines. The ability to create your own reservation from the website will not be available. Only staff will be able to reserve the room for a patron. Please read these guidelines carefully and be as consistent as possible in their application. Thanks to the staff committee that drew up these guidelines. Please refer any questions or concerns to Linda.

Meeting Room Guidelines

Rooms available for reservation are:


  • Activities Room A and B (Capacity 10)


  • Activities Room A (Capacity 5)

Staff Guidelines:

All requests are received via phone call and are directed to:


  • Katie Meeker* / Linda Noyce*


  • Janet Frieman* / Jennifer Kozelou*

*Whoever is taking the request, will send a personal email to the patron, confirming the booking information and sharing the event guidelines below.

Temporarily, the online request option will remain unavailable, so each request can be addressed more individually.

After each use, staff will:

  • Sanitize the room, prioritizing high-touch areas

  • Reset the furniture to a physically-distanced default

    • Each room will have only the capacity number of chairs available, physically spaced. Extra chairs will be put away.

Patron Booking Guidelines:

  • Rooms are available to be booked during building hours.

    • Rooms must be vacated a half-hour before the library closes

  • Reservations must be made at least 24 hours in advance (no walk-ins) and can be booked up to 6 weeks ahead of time.

  • Up to 4 hours of reservation time allowed, per reservation

  • 2 reservations allowed per patron, per branch, monthly

  • Each room has limit of people per event:

    • SW Activities Room A - 10 people per event

    • NS Activities Room A - TBD people per event

Event Guidelines:

  • Masks/face coverings are required, per Governor’s mandate

  • No food is allowed 

  • Physical distancing is required

  • Room must be vacated a half-hour before the library closes


Preparation for Blake Verdict

 Good morning

If your commute includes Sheridan Road though the downtown area, you experienced what I did this morning- closed roads. The city administration has informed me that the decision about the possible indictment of the officer who shot Jacob Blake will be announced by the county prosecutor's office sometime during the first 2 weeks of January. I expect that the city is preparing for any possible unrest that may result from the decision. Tonight at 7pm the Council will convene to grant the Mayor the power to call curfews, close city buildings and properties like parks, and designate certain areas as "free speech zones"  in an effort to contain any potential violence. If you are interested in hearing the meeting you may access the meeting online. Here is the agenda

KPL will do everything we can to stay open for the people who need library service most, however your safety is our top priority. We will once again close all branches early when the city hall closes to make sure you are off the streets and home safe by curfew. We will take seriously any social media threat that leads us to believe there will be unrest near a library location and close branches if we think there is any chance you will be in harm's way. 

The staff survey we conducted this year asked how we could have done better to respond to the pandemic. The loudest criticism centered around the uncertainty of our schedules- would we be open or closed past 3pm, for instance. That decision seemed to happen day to day, leaving those of you with young children or our part time evening staff hanging day by day as to what your work schedule would be. While those responses expressed an understanding that we couldn't predict a lot of what happened, I heard you loud and clear. I will do everything I can to be more predictable this time around. Once the Mayor makes clear when the curfew begins and what time the curfew will be set for, I will make a decision for a consistent closing time at all locations to help you plan your lives. 

Thanks for all you do to strengthen our community. Every day you show up to work, many, many people benefit. In a world that sometimes seems to be hopelessly grim, you are a ray of sunshine!



Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...