Monday, April 2, 2018

Good Friday saw good public turnout

Anytime we try something new, I like to get some statistics to see whether the change made an impact. I wondered whether the public would come to the library on Good Friday, or whether we would see the same empty buildings we do on Packer game Sundays. After so many years of the city and the library buildings being closed on Good Friday, I wondered if long time residents would assume we were closed. And I wondered if our strong faith community would attend the library on a Holy Day.
Looks like our marketing efforts spread the word well. Good Friday appears to be a day for library visits. Public attendance was strong! 2,881 circs even with the BKM off the road, compared to 3,169 average on the other four Fridays in March.
I hope the floating holiday concept is working for all of you and for those of you who wanted to observe the Holy Day, you were able to observe the holiday your way.

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