Friday, April 27, 2018

Bright Spot Awards

Hello, Everyone
Starting this week, I'm going to highlight a Bright Spot staff member or team who really made a difference, whether it's through patron service, teamwork, or making the library proud. On the heels of the city's annual Spelling Bee, the first week's award has to go to the dynamic team of Lynn Allen, Jill Miatech, Ed Godula, and Amy Klein. Their performance was simply stunning. Even more stunning was the teamwork they demonstrated. Every member of the team committed to memorizing a portion of the word list, and every member came through on their commitment. To say that we are proud is an understatement.
Congratulations, Kenosha Spelling Bee Champs!!! Congratulations, KPL!
Thanks also to Don Cress who donated 10 tickets to KPL staff so we could cheer our team on!

Here's other news:

  • Thanks to our CNS staff for a painless Internet upgrade this week!
  • Credit card payments will soon be available on self check machines at NS. Lin will provide instructions and training.
  • Thanks to everyone who attended the safety meetings at Simmons and Uptown. We will be adding cameras at Uptown to increase security there. 
  • We're working hard on piecing together the funding for the new mini-bookmobile. We hope to get the vehicle on the road by the start of the school year.
  • We'll be heavily involved in leading the city's summer parks program again this year. Jill is leading the charge on this year's efforts in Lincoln Park, Roosevelt School, and EBSOLA.
  • The Board's Personnel and Finance Committee will propose a "living wage" resolution at the next full Board meeting on May 8th. The proposal sets the minimum hourly wage for KPL staff at $11.01 per hour, based on a Living Wage Index from MIT. If you would like to provide public comments to the board on this decision, you are encouraged to attend the May 8th board meeting at 5:30pm at SW. Public comments are one way, not question and answer periods. If you have questions, please send them to me in advance and I can make sure that they are answered beforehand.
  • We will be conducting a wage survey through a consultant firm this year that will analyze our pay structure and adjust, if necessary. This will be part of the annual budgeting process. Implementation of the recommendations are likely to be funded no earlier than 2019.
  • Watertown Public Library is bringing a team to tour our Youth Services areas on Monday as they plan renovations of their library. Please welcome them to KPL.
  • The Wisconsin Public Library Assn annual conference in Pewaukee happens May 2-4, so expect a few of us to be out of the building during that time.
  • The Wisconsin Marathon will take over the Library Park area next Friday and Saturday. Simmons will maintain regular hours. Patrons and staff may need to use the Women's Club parking lot.
Lin and I are both out on Monday. Anne is your point person to take care of any big emergencies.
Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. It was a great event and awesome performance by our Team! Yay!



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