Monday, December 19, 2016

Congratulations, Youth Services Team!

Congratulations to our Youth Services team who have won a $5,000 grant from the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association. Because of their terrific grant writing skills and clever program development, we are now a recipient of the Strengthening Communities Through Libraries grant, made possible through a grant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation. The funds will be used for youth science, technology, art, math and engineering (STEAM) outreach efforts.
Thanks to Heather for leading this effort!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Southwest circulation desk removal

Southwest Library and their patrons are also experiencing change in preparation for new flooring!

Monday, December 12, 2016

Northside Circulation Area!

Preparation for new entrance flooring at Northside has begun.  Thanks to all for your enthusiasm for this project and for accommodating patrons through this transition with grace and ease.  Nice work Northside!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

KPL Wins Outreach Grant!

Congratulations to Jill for writing a successful grant application to the Wisconsin Humanities Council for Literature for Life: Kenosha County Detention Center 2017 Book Discussion Series! This $2,000 grant will provide 20 paperback copies of 11 titles. KPL's Friends of the Library group has pledged another $640 toward the project. And our beloved retired Cindy Bryan will continue to participate in the discussions.
Awesome job, Jill!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A Declaration in Support of Children

From the Brown Bookshelf...

Children’s literature may be the most influential literary genre of all. Picture books, chapter books, middle-grade and young-adult novels all serve the most noble of purposes: to satisfy the need for information, to entertain curious imaginations, to encourage critical thinking skills, to move and inspire. Within their pages, seeds of wisdom and possibility are sown. READ MORE

Monday, November 21, 2016

Statement on Public Libraries and Inclusiveness

PLA President Felton Thomas Jr. Releases Statement on Public Libraries and Inclusiveness
PLA President Felton Thomas Jr. released the following statement in response to the divisive election season and the post-election challenges our communities face. This message is in support of the statement released earlier today by the American Library Association.
“Inclusiveness is a core value of the Public Library Association. The public library has an unparalleled ability to bring people and knowledge together, especially in times of uncertainty and division. We are places of learning, free inquiry and free speech for people of all ages and backgrounds.
As such, our nation’s public libraries stand as a bulwark to intolerance and a beacon of opportunity. We are committed to ensuring a safe place for all that reflects and serves the diversity of our nation in our collections, programs and services. With thousands of public libraries in towns and neighborhoods across the country, we invite community conversations and action that further understanding and address local needs.”
PLA will work to develop resources that public libraries can use to support these critical conversations in their communities. Members will be apprised of all future developments as they become available. View the complete release...

Friday, October 14, 2016

AMH videos and website

Here are two useful videos to watch on YouTube that demonstrate the "deshingling" system that separates the materials dumped into the book return. These videos are from RFID Library Solutions, our AMH vendor. Our system won't be set up in either of these exact arrangements, but will have the same components.

And here is a page where you can view the Induction Bin that we will use to process deliveries @SW

Project Schedule AMH

Thanks to everyone who arrived early Thursday and Friday to hear about the AMH project. I promised a link to the project board that gives you an idea of when the various pieces of the project are scheduled. Bear in mind that this schedule will most likely change, depending on all the factors involved. So check back often for the latest update.

Two LSTA Grant Applications Submitted

Every year, KPL submits applications to the state library for project funding. Past successful applications have provided money for outreach to our Latino community, Youth Services Developmental Kits, Computer Coding Camps for Kids, SHARE migration training, and Kenosha Connects hotspot/ Chromebook kits (launching shortly).
LSTA funds also allow us to purchase extra copies of electronic books.
This year, we have submitted three applications:
1. We will launch wireless printing at all county libraries. Patrons will be able to print wirelessly through their smartphones, and even from home. And we'll add signature pads for patrons to electronically sign their library applications. ($9,040)
2. We will move forward with our partnership with Kenosha Community Media to create a Digital Media Lab @SW ($21,539)
3. We'll expand our outreach efforts with dedicated equipment for Programs on the Road. ($11,293)

We won't receive word whether these applications are funded until April 2017.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What our stats are telling us

Every month I eagerly await new statistics. How well are all our efforts doing at getting more people into the library, at our programs, engaged with our reference staff, with our collection? Are people finding what they want? Do they believe in our ability to connect them with their interests? Are they willing to drive in after a long day at work, on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, or after the Packers game on Sunday? Does what we offer still matter to our community?
Trends across the country show public library use is down. Collection checkouts are tanking. People don't visit the way they used to. That was our story since 2011.
No longer.
Since the SHARE migration, our collection use has increased 6% over last year. That's enough new checkouts in just over 3 months to drive a 6% annual increase. Foot traffic is up 5%. Program attendance is up 14%. Computer station use is up 10%, tech help sessions are soaring. And outreach event attendance? Up a whopping 88%.
The SHARE catalog merger has a lot to do with this. So does the pretty new children's space at NS. But the most important reason is YOU. It's Bookmobile staff  bringing the library to Brass School, and the expertise of the youth services staff on that after school bus. It's the displays you create, the faster internet you've enabled, the new technology on the floor, the classes you teach, the book discussions you lead. It's the pretty posters, the digital signs, the clean buildings and the engaging collections.
But most of all, it's your smile, your spirit, and the hospitality you offer to the people coming through the door. That's what's bringing them back. It's the relationships you build. It's YOU!
This library is defying the odds. And it's because of you!
Thank YOU!

PEW Report on Digital Readiness

There's a new PEW report out that breaks the U.S. population down into categories of digital readiness, that is, how willing and able people are to use the internet for their information needs. This is particularly relevant to us as digital literacy educators. Take a look.

Friday, September 16, 2016

New PEW Internet Research Study on Libraries

Libraries are lucky. The PEW Internet Research group is madly interested in the public's relationship with libraries, and they spend millions of dollars annually to conduct surveys that provide us terrific insight in how to craft our programs and services to delight the 21st century library user.
This round, the results show that library users vote for these things:
1. Tech training for young and old. (KPL is ahead of the curve here! Take a loo at our stats- tech help ranks #1 in reference engagement at all age levels.)
2. Comfortable spaces. (KPL has added more comfy chairs and created pleasant study spaces. There's much more work to be done! That's why we'll be engaging with space planners in the coming year to advise us how to create even more spaces our community will love.)
3. Digital tools to allow people to make things. (KPL and Kenosha Community Media will be partnering soon on a Digital Media Lab @SW to do just that!)

Not surprisingly, most library users are hesitant to cull collections to make space for the digital media and comfy spaces. They like their books (and so do we!) So the challenge will be to balance the two.

Friday, August 5, 2016

The most beautiful libraries in America, state by state

Eye candy for librarians and other book lovers

Friday, July 29, 2016

The Purpose Based Library

Outstanding article. If you'd like to read the book, it's in our collection.
We will be engaging in a new strategic planning process in 2017. In advance, let's start thinking about this question:
What is Kenosha Public Library's Purpose?

Ed and Moose

Happy Friday KPL,

This morning, our very own Ed Moczulewski reunited a lost dog with his owner by the Southwest branch.  Thanks Ed, for providing an atypical library service and heartwarming assistance to our community!

Here's a picture of Virginia Alward and Moose.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Our New ALA President Announces Her Plan

Julie Todaro has been a great influence on my career. I have had the pleasure of taking classes with her that changed the way I approached organizational management forever. Julie has just been elected ALA President, and, as usual, she is brilliantly constructing a creative plan that will support our work for many years to come. She calls it The Expert in the Library. Read about it here.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Friday, June 24, 2016

Look at These Stats!

Anne reports these amazing stats from the week:
  • 297 attendees at kids programs on Monday; 160 attended the Kitchen Science program (!)
  • 32 attended the pre-school science program at Simmons this week
  • KPL staff worked with 30 special needs kids at Stocker this week
  • KPL is currently averaging 8-10 bins per day of items traveling to Racine PL
  • Monday's gate count at 1817
Thanks to all of you for working so hard for your community!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

King and Queen of the SHARE Migration

I know you will all agree that this crowning is well deserved.
Meet Lady Anne, Queen of the SHARE Migration and King Rob, King of the SHARE Migration. Please join me in a curtsy to the Royals who managed this migration with such skill!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

SHARE Talking Points

This is an exciting time for all of us! At long last we are migrating to a software system that's intuitive, powerful, and really customer friendly! You have all been so patient during this process and I continue to admire your confidence that everything will turn out alright. I assure you it will!
Before I became tied to a desk in a far off corner of Kenosha, I spent 13 years on service desks, and even though it's been awhile since I met the public all day every day, it's fresh in my mind. And so I thought it might be helpful to provide a few talking points to support your interactions with the good, the bad and the ugly patrons you might encounter who will take the opportunity to share their opinions about our system migration.
For the patrons who think we're spending money we don't need to, your cheerful response is, "As a matter of fact, this improved software doesn't cost us any more than the old software we used. And we're getting so much more value with this product!"
For the patrons who say, "It wasn't broke, so why fix it?" Your cheerful answer is, "You're going to love the features in the new catalog! Would you like a demonstration?"
For the patrons who think the staff has been needlessly forced to change, please feel free to express your relief that Vubis is history. The community loves you. They are more likely to embrace our changes if YOU embrace them. So gush all you like about the speed, efficiency, and simplicity of SIRSI.

When we were considering joining the SHARE catalog, I sent out a list of all these project goals. Some of them might make sense to you, some might not. But they are a good reminder of why we went through all this work. I look forward to the boost in service this migration promises to bring! Thank you all for your continued support and commitment to this project and to outstanding service!


  • Increase direct patron access to library materials.
  • Reduce ILL costs to all member libraries by satisfying more requests with local holdings, streamlining ILL processes and shifting ILL functions to circulation.
  • Improve mobile library experience.
  • Offer self-service fine and fee payments.
  • Improve ebook user experience.
  • Reduce cataloging costs by using Skyriver (not OCLC).
  • Provide faster delivery between Racine and Kenosha counties.
  • Reduce duplicate collections to create spaces for public collaborative activities.
  • Improve ILS search results and web interface for KCLS libraries, with the promise of continual innovative development.
  • Reduce costs to KCLS member libraries for SIP2 dependent databases ( and SIP2 dependent automation (self checks and AMH).
  • Reduce costs for technology infrastructure such as servers and associated system software.
  • Improve collection use statistical reporting for KCLS libraries.
  • Seamless integration with third party systems like self checks and vending machines.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

To All Staff, My Sincere Thanks

Hello, Everyone
As we near the completion of our preparations for joining the SHARE catalog, I cannot help but be full of admiration for this staff. I have been a part of other system migrations and I can still remember the tension in the air, the infighting, the grumbling and sour faces. It was an awful experience, even if we had a great product for the public in the end. You are the complete opposite of what I experienced before. You have come together as a team with cheerfulness and optimism.
Maybe you are cheerful during this migration because you have worked with a challenging system for so long, but I think it's more than that. I think it's just another example of what I witnessed the day I came for my interview. You are kind and compassionate and you care about this community and each other.
Anne and I were talking this morning and we agreed that you can teach skills, but you can't teach kindness. For your kindness, I am very, very grateful.
Thank you for making this migration exciting and positive.
And thank you for the important work you do every day!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Islam in Montana

What a brilliant article about the reaction to a cultural program that fortified a library's determination to provide lifelong education to its community. What a great example to all of us!

Friday, April 15, 2016

The Skin You Live In

The Skin You Live In  is an amazing children's program from Skokie Public Library. As we move forward with our Inclusive Project, these types of programs will be models. Can't wait to get started.

New Manager Position

Hello, Everyone
There's been a considerable amount of change in our staff recently, and those changes continue. Some of the changes are unexpected. Others, like Tom's new director position, are changes we should expect from a talented staff. I'd like you to know that a group of four of us- Michelle, Lin, Anne, and I- have met several times over the past year to identify the changes we expect, whether because we know people plan to retire or because we know they have dreams like Tom's. We have a plan so we can react quickly and with confidence whenever a staff vacancy occurs, providing the support you need and maintaining our great service structure.
Recently we've been monitoring closely the type of questions people ask most frequently at our various locations. It's become apparent that visitors to Simmons and Uptown rarely ask a reference question, and often ask a tech question. Because we have this information statistically, we are moving forward on staffing Tech Guides in place of reference assistants at Simmons. This is the first instance of Tech Guides on public service "desks" and it is my vision that Tech Guides will be integrated more and more that way. In other words, Tech Guides are integrating with Public Service staff.
Which brings me to the decision on how to fill Tom's position as he heads off to his exciting new adventure in Port Washington. 
Joe Davies has done a tremendous job developing our Tech Guide positions from scratch. His digital training programs for staff and public are stellar and have contributed greatly to the huge increase in public programming attendance we are witnessing. The new web site is farmed out to a consultant, and the RFID plan is nearly in place. It's a good transition time for Joe. It is clear to me that digital services are very much part of Public Services in a modern, progressive library. Therefore, in keeping with our long range staffing plan, we will be combining Joe and Tom's positions. Joe will move into a new combined position called Head of Adult and Digital Services. Tech Guides will move to the Adult and Digital Services Department and become completely integrated with the Public Services team.
By eliminating the Digital Services Manager position, and choosing not to fill a vacancy in circ, we are able to fulfill a few more goals on our list:
We will be hiring a part time Accounting Clerk for Sheri Zaionc to ease the burden of Sheri's workload and provide extra checks and balances in our accounting practices. 
We will be hiring more Tech Guides to add to our public service desks.
We will hire another full time Youth Services Librarian to expand the phenomenal programs that team has established. 
Because Head of Adult and Digital Services is a new position, I will need Board approval before the transition can occur. I will be taking the plan to the Board's Personnel and Finance Committee meeting on Tuesday, and to the full Board for approval on May 10th. The tentative date for the transition, should I get Board approval, will be May 16th. In the meantime, I will be asking Joe to study the current staffing in Adult Services and recommend how to fill the voids left behind by recent staff resignations. So, AS staff, help is on the way!
It is my great joy to watch so many of our talented staff embrace new opportunities here at KPL. So many of you are shining in your new roles! Soon there will be even more opportunities. I hope that some of you with a strong interest and skill with technology  and a love for public service will consider applying for a Tech Guide position. If you're good with numbers and a true perfectionist, please consider applying for the Accounting Clerk position when it's advertised. If you're an Adult Services Librarian longing to serve children, you will have that opportunity soon. 
I love visiting our libraries. There is a happy energy among you these days, a sense of hospitality I can feel every time I walk in. That means our whole community can feel it, too. They are welcomed. 
Thank you for bringing your best side to work every day. Thank you for believing in what you do and recognizing your importance and the importance of every one of our staff members in this organization. 
Happy National Library Week!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Computer Bar Coming this Summer to SW

Linnea Bakery made beautiful improvements in the lobby at Southwest Neighborhood Library when they moved in this year. Now we're focusing on the other side of the lobby by building a computer bar against the windows. We've picked out the counter top, chairs, and other necessary components. Construction will begin mid-May at the shop with a target date for completion early June.

Uptown Open Saturday

All systems are go for library service to resume at Uptown on Saturday, April 9th.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Inspiring Story from San Francisco

Urban libraries are reacting to the homeless "challenge" by hiring social workers and nurses. Here is an inspiring story from San Francisco.
We will be embarking on an "Inclusive Project" here at KPL this summer. We'll be talking about the different people in our community, what kind of services they need, and how the library can welcome everyone through our doors.
If you'd like to help put that project together, let me know. Team members welcome!

2015 Annual Report

It's bold, beautiful, and sings the praises of this amazing library!
The 2015 Annual Report to the Community is available now.

Thanks for the beautiful design, Aaron!

Thanks to Janet Frieman

Janet will be planning and planting the garden for the planters at the NS library entrance.  Thanks for making us beautiful, Janet!

KPL Foundation Support

Our KPL Foundation awarded us $29,500 in grants to support three different projects.
  • To help us pay for a new $12,000 generator for the bookmobile, the Foundation will cover the cost of the computer bar we will install later this year in the SW lobby, a cost we had planned for in our budget. We will use the support to get the bookmobile up and running reliably! And we'll place some signage along the computer bar thanking the Foundation for their generosity.
  • Migrating to SHARE means we need to transfer our website to a different software product. That's tremendously time intensive. This week the Foundation voted to provide $15,000 to hire a company to do that work for us! 
  • Jill has been planning a Summer of Shakespeare for our community, and the Foundation enthusiastically supported that idea by offering to raise $2500 in support.
If you see any of our Foundation members, please let them know how much we appreciate their support!

Here's a list of Foundation members:

Gina Madrigrano Friebus
Carol Heide
Bill Althaus
Pat Demos
Len Iaquinta
Samantha Towner
Shavonda Marks
Karen Sconzert
Patty Mahoney
Angie Aker
Tip McGuire
Rosanna Molinaro
Nikki Payne
Nick Tryling

Rokus for Checkout

From Robert:
The records for the Rokus are now in V-Smart, and discoverable. 

What is a Roku?
It's a media player that streams select, library owned movies to a TV. To use it, you will need a TV with either RCA (yellow, white, and red) connectors or an HDMI connection, and high speed internet with WiFi. These devices have access to around 150 various movies and a few TV shows, and will circulate for 7 days with 1 renewal (if there are no holds). 

What comes with it? 
Each Roku includes: 1 Roku with power supply, 1 remote with batteries, 1 RCA cable, 1 HDMI cable, and instruction on how to use it. 

Are movies pre-loaded on the device?
No. The rokus are linked to accounts that are controlled by KPL, and all content is streamed to it over the internet. KPL is unable to see what has been watched on the devices. If a device is stolen KPL can remotely wipe it, thus preventing any of our content from streaming to it. 

Does each Roku have the same content?
Each Roku account has access to different content. The movies and TV shows that they are connected to are from the digital codes that come with some of our Blu-rays and DVDs.  Thanks to Joe and the Tech Guides, these codes were able to go to good use. While some content will overlap, each record will show what is available on each device.

What apps are preloaded? 
The main video app to use is called CinemaNow, Disney films can be found under the Disney Anytime app, and both PBS and PBS Kids apps are available. 

Can I add my own Netflix or Hulu account to this?
Not at this time. We are doing this for the patron's privacy. If a patron were to load their own account information onto a Roku and forget to remove it, then the next person to check it out would also have access to that account. If a patron tries to add any other apps onto the Roku, they will be asked to enter a security password. 

Uptown Bookmobile Backup

Our Outreach Team will be adding bookmobile stops at the Uptown Neighborhood Library Monday, Wednesday, and Friday next week while the library building is closed for asbestos removal.
Monday at 10:15am and 4pm
Wednesday at 10:45am and 1:30pm
Friday at 12:45pm

Thanks to the crew for flexing their schedules to provide library service to this neighborhood!

LSTA Grants

I am so pleased to announce that KPL was awarded LSTA funding for all 3 grant applications this year. 
Kenosha Connects will provide kits of mobile hot spots and electronic devices to check out to our patrons with no home internet access. Award amount: $15,928 
A second grant provides $12,000 to help pay the costs of merging into the SHARE catalog.
The third award supports purchase of digital resources. Award amount: $9,000

Total award: $36,928

We also won a $16,710 joint grant with Lakeshores Library System to provide all member libraries with Digital Creation kits for public programming.

Thanks to Lin, Joe, Max and Brent for taking on the Kenosha Connects project and to Lin for her part in securing these funds. 

Friday, March 18, 2016

News from Admin

Hello, Everyone
Lots happening behind the scenes at KPL. Here's news to share:

  • Congratulations to Jill Miatech, who has been chosen to take on the role of Outreach Coordinator. Jill will start in her new position April 18th.
  • We will be posting an opportunity for Jill's programs replacement shortly. 
  • Uptown will be closed for 2 weeks while we remove asbestos beginning Monday, March 28th. After the asbestos is cleared, the library will reopen while new tile is laid in the basement. Literacy will we using SW meeting and study rooms to accommodate students until the tile work is complete. Sean will reassign Uptown staff to help with library projects during downtime.
  • While Uptown is closed, we hope to send the bookmobile, complete with a shiny new generator, to the neighborhood a time or two. 
  • We will be conducting a Food for Fines Week May 23-29. Every non-perishable item collected earns $1 off accumulated fines. Sean and his team will devise full guidelines and share with everyone in advance. 
  • We are bidding the RFID project and have three interested vendors. The full request for proposal (RFP) is on our website. We hope to get this project in motion within a few weeks. We'll begin by tagging our collection with RFID tags. Joe will serve as Project Manager.
  • Statistics took a turn toward the clouds last month. Use was up everywhere except Simmons, and it would have been there, too without those days closed for heating. It's so great to see more people coming and checking out items to take home. Thanks to everyone for your part in making KPL such a welcoming place!
Did you bookmark our beautiful page on the DEMCO website? Here it is again.

Happy weekend!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Thank you, Chuck

It's been nearly a year now that we have struggled to complete a capital improvement project at Simmons, and I just wanted to shine the spotlight on Chuck Dykstra, our Maintenance Superintendent. Chuck came to KPL from a long career in the construction industry and as a building inspector. The combination of that experience has been a tremendous asset to KPL, as Chuck not only can manage complex building projects like the kind we do at our historical Simmons building, but he can evaluate the quality and the requirements that surround building systems. This recent project took all kinds of twists and turns as our contractor changed course. Chuck watched the work carefully and insisted that the work be done to specifications. He met with vehement disagreement from our consultant and from city staff along the way, but he knew he was right, and we persisted until the work was done correctly. We owe Chuck a big thank you for his integrity and commitment to the right outcome.
Please join me in saying how grateful we are for his leadership!

Off to Washington

Joe, Rob and I are heading to Washington next week for the annual Computers in Libraries conference where we will learn much about social media marketing, maker spaces, community engagement, gadgets, websites, user experience testing, and staff training. I'm particularly looking forward to hearing from Lee Rainie from Pew Research, who usually launches interesting new survey results at every major library conference- who knows what he has in store for us this time.
While we are gone, we are always connected, so please continue to reach out to us as needed.
We will bring back spring weather!

Linnea's Soft Opening

Linnea Bakery is heading for opening day. They have announced a soft opening to staff and visitors this coming Tuesday with a grand opening yet unannounced. Look for yummy goodies for Tuesday lunch!

Leadership Growing at KPL

As you all know, Staff Development has been one of the key goals of KPL's Strategic Plan. I am delighted to report that we have made great strides in meeting our Technology Competencies, and many of you have become active learners beyond the core training we have provided. This month we realized another milestone in that we have five (at least) staff members in leadership positions at the state and national levels. 
Lin Swartz-Truesdell was tapped to lead the Electronic Resources Workgroup for the Wisconsin Public Library System Redesign initiative.
Joe Davies was appointed to the Wisconsin LSTA Advisory Committee
Rob Nunez serves as Head of ALA's Heads of Library Technology Committee
Pam Penza serves on on YALSA's Teens' Top Ten Committee for the 2015-2017 term (ALA)
and I have just have been appointed to ALA's Training, Orientation, and Leadership Development Committee.
(If you are active in a state or national committee and I have not recognized you here, please let us all know.)
It is no easy task to fulfill the obligations of our busy jobs here at KPL and also contribute to our profession at the state and national levels. I commend these leaders, and all of you who embrace the learning opportunities that come your way. We never stop learning, no matter who we are or what position we hold, and the more we grow our knowledge and skills, the better service we provide to our community. Thank you for being a community of learners!

Friday, January 15, 2016

SW Cafe Changes Coming

Linnea Bakery owners Mark and Kim Rutkowski will be visiting SW on Tuesday to plan final details for the new space. Soon their equipment will be arriving and they have a beautiful design in mind. Expect painting in the area soon,  a soft opening mid February and a grand opening toward the end of the month.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Some "no" responses

This morning we received our first three "No, I would not recommend you" responses in our online survey. As it happens, we are already working toward the remedy for two of them. Here's what our customers say about their current access to the world of information through KPL and what they expect. I think we can do better, and that's why we are merging with SHARE. We'll be posting both out compliments and answers to the "no" responses in our weekly newsletter in the coming weeks.

You are not part of the statewide inter library loan system. Literally ANY other library in the state can share books. I can get any available book from even the smallest, most meagerly stocked library in the state in a couple of days, but not Kenosha.
1/7/2016 7:36 AM View respondent's answers
Not being a part of the Wisconsin library system limits the materials I am able to find and borrow. The impression is that there is this little island in the state that doesn’t want to spend the money to below to the bigger system regardless of how the users in the area would benefit.
1/7/2016 7:12 AM View respondent's answers

When we lived in Lake Villa, IL we were at the library every week. When we relocated to Kenosha, we were very disappointed in the libraries. The resources, movies, music and choice of books are very limited and outdated. I feel Kenosha would have done better combining the libraries into one and putting more money into one facility with an expanded inventory.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Linnea's Opening Early February

It was a particularly busy holiday season for Linnea's, so they are catching their breath and making final plans to open their satellite location at the SW Library. They are aiming for an early February start. We'll get some signage up soon announcing their imminent arrival.

Community Praise

Some of you might have noticed we asked this question in our last newsletter:
Would you recommend us?
100% said yes!

Here's what else they said:

Whatever one's interest, the resources available at the library are incredible. What they don't have in house they know where to find it. Staff is always very helpful and pleasant too!
1/5/2016 2:53 PM View respondent's answers
Family & Friends cause we all love to read. Someone new to the area because you can find out so much about the city you moved to, you can find sometime of reading that interests you and everyone is so nice, especially the south branch.
1/2/2016 11:55 PM View respondent's answers
the librarians are top notch and the facilities are well maintained
1/1/2016 5:42 PM View respondent's answers
KPL is a jewel.
12/31/2015 2:57 PM View respondent's answers
i have already recommended them numerous times. everyone is knowledgeable and friendly. i like the hold system. There are lots of locations to get books in from. it is clean and well organized.
12/31/2015 1:20 PM View respondent's answers
The staff at the Southwest library is always helpful and courteous. The library website is convenient and helpful. I especially like reserving material on the website and receiving an email when the reserved material is ready for pick-up. I like that I can return a book to any library branch.
12/31/2015 11:08 AM View respondent's answers
Great place to find any book you will need. Everyone is always friendly and helpful.
12/31/2015 10:55 AM View respondent's answers
Nice friendly helpful place
12/31/2015 10:47 AM View respondent's answers
Great selection of services provided, and the friendly and efficient staff.
12/31/2015 10:33 AM View respondent's answers
My family loves the Kenosha Library system! Our favorite part is the knowledgeable, dedicated, helpful, upbeat staff; we have never had a negative experience with any of the staff at any of the libraries. They put on wonderful programs (we use mostly the children's programs but have also attended a couple of adult programs) and have always been able to help us find what we need. We are always telling people how much we love our libraries and it is the first recommendation I make to new people in the area. Thanks for the opportunity for me to tell you how appreciative I am!
12/31/2015 9:39 AM View respondent's answers
Because I have enjoyed the use of your resources during the past year, though I had to pay a large fee for its use since I live a half mile across the border in Illinois. Since you see that I am a responsible patron, and you are agreeing to waive the fee for the next year, I will be happy to recommend your services to my friends and members of my Kenosha Gideon Camp.
12/31/2015 7:41 AM View respondent's answers
Because I have enjoyed the use of your resources during the past year, though I had to pay a large fee for its use since I live a half mile across the border in Illinois. Since you see that I am a responsible patron, and you are agreeing to waive the fee for the next year, I will be happy to recommend your services to my friends and members of my Kenosha Gideon Camp.
12/31/2015 7:40 AM View respondent's answers
Friendly, helpful staff. There are many offerings in print, on-line, and audio/video. Wonderful section for children! Spaces for meetings and help for many different community needs. Thank you!!
12/31/2015 6:50 AM View respondent's answers
To me the library fosters a learning atmosphere that encourages growth and exploration. I personally enjoy the variety of programs that are offered for children.
12/31/2015 5:43 AM View respondent's answers
The Library is a life line for so many. Warmth, comfort, escape, travel, further education.
12/31/2015 5:24 AM View respondent's answers
There are many reasons: a large variety of items in the collection, online option to look up what is in the collection, online access to my account, several location options & good length of hours the doors are open. I also like option to place books/dvds on hold and request they are ready at the location of my choice. I realized how much my family & I like the Kenosha library system when we considered moving to Racine....then I realized how blessed we are in Kenosha with the longer hours & several location options. One thing I stumbled upon recently, while on the library website, was a book cover image that was a bit too much exposure. I wouldn't want my children or husband to see that book cover. I did contact the library and currently there isn't the option for the library to change the image seen on the site for the book cover. I'd classify it as pornographic or highly inappropriate on a public website. I was told there were possible changes ahead with site provider (or something with how the site looks?) so, it might be taken care of. I was also told the publisher maybe the one who picks the book cover image.
12/31/2015 12:02 AM View respondent's answers
Absolutely! We are at the library at least once a week. The programs for getting kids excited to read are amazing. And there is always a great family exercise that is fun for everyone. Endless knowledge is always available, they even go out of their way to get books on loan from far away libraries for you. Along with the free entertainment, the library one of the greatest resources any community can have, and ours is one of the best.
12/30/2015 11:38 PM View respondent's answers
Yes, of course !!! What other institution is more important in a community than their public library?! I would answer "the is none more important". The Kenosha Public Library is well staffed with exceptionally kind and helpful librarians. The library's collection is of remarkable interest - and items not held in the KPL can most often be obtained via inter-library loan. I've only recently begun to attend the various fascinating and fun programs - "special events" hosted by the library - and will be paying closer attention to that in the future. For the 2015 "Big Read" the KPL brought Bryan Stevenson, author and social justice activist to Kenosha !! Holy smokes, that was an inspirational night I'll long remember. KUDOS for "booking" that speaking engagement !! - and my most heartfelt and profound THANKS !! - Bill Gregory
12/30/2015 11:07 PM View respondent's answers
very very nice and kind people work there and they help me find book and have lot's of book have. I just very much like Kenosha Public Library.
12/30/2015 11:00 PM View respondent's answers
I enjoy the peace and quiet of the library. I like getting the E-mails telling me of the latest books that come out. The staff is always friendly and helpful. They have helped me repair some paperback books that had lost their covers. I heartily recommend all the branches of the Kenosha Public Library.
12/30/2015 8:15 PM View respondent's answers
Absolutely! The library has helped me so many times, with finding a book I want to read, to helping me remove it from my kindle when I am done reading it.
12/30/2015 7:24 PM View respondent's answers
Friendly, helpful, knowledge of library.
12/30/2015 6:30 PM View respondent's answers
Great books, videos, reference materials. The ability to borrow books from anywhere via this library. Helpful, knowledgeable & friendly staff. More too!
12/30/2015 6:08 PM View respondent's answers
The system does need a manuel over ride key for staff members to assist visitors and regulars alike...I'm not looking for another password!
12/30/2015 5:51 PM View respondent's answers
Very good library system. I like getting the e-mails.
12/30/2015 5:11 PM View respondent's answers
We love our libraries (we usually go to Southwest, sometimes Northside) and the librarians. Everyone has always been so kind and helpful and we get to enjoy so many great books (and sometimes movies) through our library. We've been considering moving to another state and one of my top must haves in a new community, is a wonderful library. I think the Kenosha Public Library has set the bar very high for that.
12/30/2015 4:56 PM View respondent's answers
Location of libraries Weath of materials and services Knowledgeable and friendly staff Fine buildings-great spaces.
12/30/2015 4:55 PM View respondent's answers


Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...