Friday, September 16, 2016

New PEW Internet Research Study on Libraries

Libraries are lucky. The PEW Internet Research group is madly interested in the public's relationship with libraries, and they spend millions of dollars annually to conduct surveys that provide us terrific insight in how to craft our programs and services to delight the 21st century library user.
This round, the results show that library users vote for these things:
1. Tech training for young and old. (KPL is ahead of the curve here! Take a loo at our stats- tech help ranks #1 in reference engagement at all age levels.)
2. Comfortable spaces. (KPL has added more comfy chairs and created pleasant study spaces. There's much more work to be done! That's why we'll be engaging with space planners in the coming year to advise us how to create even more spaces our community will love.)
3. Digital tools to allow people to make things. (KPL and Kenosha Community Media will be partnering soon on a Digital Media Lab @SW to do just that!)

Not surprisingly, most library users are hesitant to cull collections to make space for the digital media and comfy spaces. They like their books (and so do we!) So the challenge will be to balance the two.

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