Friday, June 21, 2024

A Party to Remember

Our Donors and Dignitaries event at the new kids library was a great party with rousing applause at the idea of better funding for libraries and more than 100 people grinning from ear to ear as they toured what will surely be known across the county as the premier place for kids to be. So many of you worked so hard to make this a reality. Some of you were there at the very beginning when we sat down with a skeptical mayor and sketched out what the space would look like. Some of you came in later when you brainstormed the programs and services a new space could support. Some of you asked your friends and family to donate, some of you donated yourselves. Hours were spent reviewing key locks and electrical outlets, fabrics and countertops.  Hundreds of books were selected, processed, and delivered to the new library.  When the space came together and the shelves needed filled, a few of you came out on a holiday to do just that. And on the day of the party, everyone had a dust cloth or a mop in hand.
This is all to say that every one of you is part of this amazing success. Each one of you contributed something to this new library and we ALL can be proud of the results. If you haven't been out lately, make sure you schedule some time to see the finished product before opening day- check with Heather about when staff will be on site.
July 13th will be here before you know it! Here's to the newest addition to KPL!

This week's Bright Spot nomination comes from Brandi:

"Elliott is consistently offering support wherever it is needed and often without anyone prompting them. I love watching them solve problems, meet our teens with compassion and guidance, and delve deeper into their love of libraries. Today especially, Elliott was amazingly helpful. I had given a group a task that would have been done in the garage. They realized that with the high temps we were experiencing the garage would be a poor workplace and decided to move the project into the teen space so that the team could work comfortably and efficiently. I was relieved when their email came through with instructions for the team - especially for a problem I hadn't anticipated. Thanks for being a rockstar, Elliott!"

I'm heading out west for a couple of days. I'll be back in the office next Thursday. Happy week ahead!

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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...