Friday, March 10, 2023

Shredding, book banning, and lots of Bright Spots


Students across the country are voicing their opinions on removing books from libraries. This is a terrific video from a group of high school students who started their own Banned Books Club. If the majority of 16-18 year olds are this poised, thoughtful, and articulate, this world has a very promising future!

Congratulations to Zander for his new gig hosting WGTD’s Community Matters program! We look forward to lots of interesting programs! The debut edition talks about the digital divide and how Kenosha's fiber project could help.

The next city shredding event is at NS and SW on Saturday March 25th, 9am-1pm.

Please join us at SW at noon on March 16th to meet our fundraising consultant Jim Radford and hear about the children's library project and our Foundation's fundraising efforts. Bring your brown bag lunch. We'll provide cookies and drinks. We'll record the event if you can't make it, but we sure would love to see you in person and virtual cookies aren't a reality yet :) Rob is working on it!

Multiple Bright Spot nominations this week:

From Brandi:

This week, I'd like to nominate Katie and Karlie for a bright spot.
Today we had a rocky start at SW. We lost power briefly, which caused the AMH to be reset. Karlie let Michelle and me know that we were unexpectedly missing an opener, so we attempted to spring into action - thank goodness Katie came in at 8:30! Katie was able to direct us to what opening tasks were needed. At the same time, she handled the cash drawer, and Karlie took charge of the things that were intimidating to those who weren't trained in circ opening, all while answering our questions and reassuring us that we were doing the right thing. (It's been a while since I've had to pack a delivery bin - so many slips and options!) Phillip jumped in when he arrived and helped staff the circ desk. A brief 23 minutes later, you would have never known there was an issue. Katie and Karlie took another look at the AMH and worked their magic to get it up and running. What a great example of leadership and positivity as we navigated a choppy start on this snowy morning with a bunch of laughter and smiling, helpful faces."

From Kimmy,"I'd like to nominate Eric for a bright spot because he was wiping off the snow off the staff's personal cars last night right as we were closing at Northside. It was greatly appreciated and we were all able to leave fairly quickly once we got to our cars after closing the building for the night."

From Barb:

Awe inspired gratitude to the SW YFS Team for thoughtfully offering Ukranian building blocks to a young family torn from their country by a senseless war and longing for home. The joy you bring this community and all who visit is endless!

Happy snowy weekend, everyone! The tulips will be up soon!


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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...