Friday, July 29, 2022

Northside Book Sale, Lakeshores/ Arrowhead Merger, and a Sneak Peak at SW Furniture

We're in a bit of a space jam, so FOL will be holding a pallet-style fill-your-bag book sale in the Northside garage August 20-21. Publicity to come soon! In order to prevent this backup from happening in the future, we're going to start using a new service from Baker and Taylor called Sustainable Shelves.  In a nutshell, we send weeding lists to B&T, they send us back a subset list of what they're willing to buy back, we box it and send it, and they apply the credit to our account. 

Furniture and display units are on their way for the SW space remodel, including a beautiful double sided round service desk. It's great to see the progress we've already made. Aaron is receiving many compliments for his selection of the flooring! Here's a sneak preview of the furniture styles. Everything is moveable, so we can play with arranging the furniture until we are comfortable with the perfect placement.

As you might have read in the Kenosha News, Lakeshores Library System and Arrowhead Library System will merge by the end of the year. The newspaper article was somewhat, but not completely accurate. The cost savings is because one system director will retire. Less staff costs=  cost savings. Their merger has no affect on Kenosha County. We are all still in SHARE. We will continue to run our own one-county library system until we see a good reason not to. Because KPL staff runs the Kenosha County Library system and the system does not pay for that staff support, there are no cost savings to us if we merge, so it's not on the table at this time.

I'll be here Monday and Tuesday next week, but then will be away until Tuesday, August 9th. In my absence, Rob and Linda are in charge. 

Have a great weekend, Everyone!

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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...