Thursday, March 10, 2022

Staff Office Moves and Utility Savings

Tomorrow we have the honor of hosting the Council on Library and Network Development (COLAND). This group is appointed by the Governor to advise state government about libraries. They'll be in the SW Activities Room from 9am to 12:30pm. If you are interested in experiencing one of their meetings, they are open to the public.

Jennifer found this NPR article about how Ukraine libraries are stepping up to support the public in a myriad of ways.

We're doing another shift in offices at SW. Over the next couple of weeks I'll be moving into Linda's office in the circ workroom, freeing up my large office for a mini ADS workroom. Zander, Shannon,  and Madelynn will have workspace there and we'll try to create a pop up workspace in that room for one more ADS staff member with off desk time. The cubicles at the end of "Main Street" will fit into the beginning of fiction where the wall zigzags. Our 3-person marketing staff will fit into those cubicles, freeing up the purple room for video/audio editing by the public.  Linda will remain in the first floor office at Simmons. We'll carve out an office space for the new branch manager at Simmons, as well. Hopefully this plan creates a much more comfortable workspace for everyone.

As the price of  petroleum products soars, I encourage us all to consider ways we can reduce the library's consumption. Our We Energies bills have skyrocketed this year as the company converts from coal to natural gas, and the hike in oil prices will no doubt be felt in future bills. Even though KPL pays for 100% wind energy, WE Energies still charges us the natural gas/ coal rates. So please turn out lights when rooms are empty, dress warmer or cooler depending on the season and your job responsibilities, and do your part to help us keep our bills under control. Thanks!

This weekend we're back to Daylight Savings time, so we'll "spring" forward an hour. Daylight saving time 2022 officially begins Sunday, March 13 at 2 a.m.

Bright Spot Nominations:

From Heather
I would like to nominate Hilary and Amy Rae for a Bright Spot this week. Approximately 25 people showed up at Southwest for Toddler Storytime this morning, not realizing it is at Northside on Tuesdays. Rather than disappoint them or let them go storytime-less, Hilary put on an impromptu storytime while Amy Rae covered the desk! Hilary also made sure everybody got a paper copy of the storytime schedule which notes dates, times, and locations. I’m sure the caregivers were super grateful, and so am I. Thank you for the fabulous service and teamwork, Hilary and Amy Rae!

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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...