Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Mask rules relaxed

This afternoon the Kenosha County Health Department provided Narcan training at SW. After the presentation, I asked whether County Health has changed any of its COVID-19 guidelines. Here's what I learned:

  • The process map we are using for response to COVID-19 symptoms reflects the most current guidelines. So we will continue to use our current response map.
  • Face masks for county health care workers are now optional while working with adults and required when working directly with children. That's a new rule, and I was surprised to learn it, but it gives me the confidence to announce changes to our own face mask policy going forward.
I have noticed fewer staff members wearing face masks in staff areas and more staff wearing their masks in the public areas improperly. I've also had staff requests to return to pre-pandemic occupancies in our meeting and program rooms to welcome families who are comfortable returning to in-person programming.
It's very clear that we will be living with some version of the COVID-19 virus for years to come. Now that so many of us are vaccinated, the virus is getting weaker. It is time for people to self-select about their own comfort with exposure to the virus. 
So effective immediately, the decision to wear a mask while working at KPL, whether in the staff or public areas of the building,  is the choice of each staff member, with these caveats:
  • If you share office space with another staff member where the office door might be closed and/or social distancing is not possible, please respect the wishes of your office mates. If any of them are feeling very vulnerable, do the right thing and wear your mask while they are in the room.
  • If you work with children, please respect the fact that very small ones cannot be vaccinated at this time and may be especially vulnerable. When working directly with children, please wear a mask. 
  • If you are shelving the collection in the children's area, take a mask with you in case a child approaches so you can provide the child with some extra protection (wear your mask.)
  • If you share a workspace like the circ desk or the ref desk, wipe down your keyboard at the end of your shift. This will give your coworkers extra peace of mind.
  • If you have COVID-19 symptoms, go home immediately and follow the guidelines. The best way to keep the "herd" protected is to remove anyone who is sick until they test negative. Most of you are able to work from home at least a few hours a day. We'll do our best to protect your paycheck. Please do the right thing.
We will return to full occupancy in our meeting rooms and activities rooms as soon as we receive final numbers from the fire department on occupancy limits. Watch for that announcement shortly.
We will also continue the midday cleaning schedule to keep all viruses at bay.
Let's keep our fingers crossed that we don't see a new powerful COVID strain that forces us to reinstate so many restrictions.

I can't thank you all enough for the kindness you have shown each other and the public over the past few years. Your willingness to follow health guidelines every step of the way to protect others has been admirable. It's no wonder the public adores you!



We now officially have Notary Public service for the public! Thanks to Shannon and her team for completing training for this certification. Shannon is first out of the gate and available for appointments.

For a quick statistical look at how the pandemic has affected Kenosha County students and the general population, Building Our Future just released this dashboard. We have lots of work to do!

Announcement from Heather:
The Kenosha County Youth as Resources (YAR) Board's spring service project is to conduct a children's book drive, sort the books, and distribute them to children through schools and/or afterschool programs. The hope is that they will be helping to combat the "summer slide" by providing children with books to have in their homes.
All KPL buildings are donation sites for this book drive. Each building has a cardboard box with a "Children's Book Drive" sign on it. If patrons bring in donations of children's books specifically for this book drive (as opposed to them wanting to donate children's books to the library), please direct them to place their directions in the designated box.
This drive will begin on Saturday, March 19 and run through Saturday, April 2. If you notice that the collection box at your location is getting full, please email me as soon as possible and I will take care of it.

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