Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Public Masks and Other Board Meeting News

Hello, Everyone, and Happy Wednesday

As you all know, the Omicron variant is rushing through our staff, with 9 staff members currently on leave with positive test results or symptoms and new cases arising daily. This surge in the pandemic has forced many libraries across the country to restrict their open hours as they struggle to staff their buildings. In this coldest part of the year in Kenosha, it is very important that we try our best to stay open for those who have no warm place to be. The best way we can do this is to decrease exposure by wearing face masks.

This week, I asked all of you to resume wearing masks in staff areas to protect your coworkers. Thank you for doing that! I assure you, it is very comforting to our staff who are trying their best to protect their young children, elderly relatives, or other vulnerable loved ones. 

Some of you have asked me to set a mask mandate for the public. While I have the authority to set policy for staff, any policies that affect the public are are under the authority of the Board. At last evening's Board meeting, we discussed the matter and the Board was extremely supportive of protecting the staff any way they could. But since the question was not on the posted agenda for public review in time, they could not act last night. Instead, the Board approved a plan for KPL to strongly encourage the public to once again wear face masks in all our buildings, posting signage on the front doors, messaging through social media, and writing a letter to the editor asking people for their cooperation. Aaron is designing the signs and they will be distributed to all branches tomorrow. This is a first step to see if we can appeal to the public's concern for their beloved library staff. If we are unsuccessful, the Board is ready to convene an emergency session with proper public notice and vote on a public mask mandate. To be clear, people can still use the library without a face mask until the Board votes to mandate masks. You do not need to argue with anyone or even bring up the matter with potentially hostile patrons.  If anyone asks, we don't have any masks to distribute to the public at this time. We are hoping to be a distribution site for the county health department as soon as they receive their supply from the state. The county has called a meeting for next week to discuss distribution. Michelle and I will attend.


Many of you are probably wondering when  Collection Services is finally going to move to the old ADS workroom. Unsurprisingly, we have been stymied by repetitive supply chain problems, all in relation to installing new carpet in that room. Yesterday Brandi was able to find a way around these problems and the carpet and installation have been selected and set up. The new carpet should be installed by the end of February, and barring major snowstorms or staff absences, the new tables will be assembled the following week. YFS has a lovely plan in place for using the old Activities Room space for after school teen gatherings and we'll have an extra room for public meetings the rest of the day. It will be wonderful to see everything put together! Thanks to all of you who have been patiently waiting for this transition.

Also at SW, the vinyl flooring in the new books area will be continued back toward the staff cubicles, replacing the worn carpeting on what we're affectionately calling "Main Street."  This new "street" will eventually be lined with a lot more displays to bring the collection toward the front and hopefully in someone's check-out basket. Quick lookup stations will be mounted on the pillars and the reference desk and holds pickup will temporarily be moved back to install the flooring, then moved back into place when the floor is ready for the weight. If all goes well, the floor should be laid in 3-4 days and we can return to normal.

Michelle has submitted a Bright Spot nomination this week:
"My bright spot for this week:
I want to recognize Amanda VanSwol and Shawn Wolf for stepping forward for the KPL Wellness Committee. Despite the "unwellness" challenges we have faced the last several weeks, the committee has started and brainstormed some great ideas to complement the City's Wellness R[E]volution initiative. Their energy and creativity is contagious (in a good way). Look for some great things from this group soon! Thank you Amanda and Shawn for inspiring me to see the sunny side of wellness right now!"

And finally, an article about the restorative powers of literature:
"How literature is helping people navigate mental health issues"

Stay well, everyone!

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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...