Thursday, October 15, 2020

Northside Closed Until October 22nd

We knew it was inevitable, and inevitable it proved to be. Our first positive staff case of COVID-19 has been confirmed and reported. We were notified yesterday of this positive test result and have been working diligently with our local health experts to craft the best response. This morning we spent time with the Kenosha County Health Department who advised us to follow through with a 2 week quarantine of all staff who had prolonged contact with the positive case. Based on the last known contact dates, it is clear we do not have enough staff to run the Northside Branch or conduct Outreach until October 22nd when everyone is cleared. All  staff with known contact at work have been notified and will be off work in quarantine for 14 days after the last known contact. They will be paid their regular wages through CARES Act funding and will not need to use their KPL paid time off . Several Northside staff who do not need to be quarantined will be reassigned to other locations. 

Here are some questions we think you may have and associated answers:

Q: If staff who have been in contact with the positive case test negative, can they come back to work?

A: No. The virus could take a while to build up to a level that's detectable. The health department follows the 14 day quarantine, no symptoms, no fever criteria for release from quarantine. 


Q: If someone who had contact at NS worked at my branch, should I quarantine?

A: No. Quarantine is for people with direct contact, not secondary contact.


Q: If I'm on quarantine, can I work from home?

A: You are not expected to work while on the CARES Act paid time away.


Q: What should we tell the public?

A: Brandi is crafting the messages and the signage. Please read those messages and take your talking points from her finely worded messages. Here are some quick highlights:

  • Our staff's health and the health of the public are our priorities. We are taking these extra precautionary measures in order to mitigate the spread of this serious disease. 
  • The Northside branch facility is not a risk to the public. It is clean and there is no risk to the public. We simply do not have the staff to operate the branch nor the Outreach services during this quarantine period.
  • Southwest, Simmons and Uptown locations remain open. 
  • The library continues all precautions, including quarantining library materials for 4 days after return, cleaning covers of all materials on hold, social distancing, plexiglass barriers, handwashing, and face masks.   
Thanks to all of you who have been so kind and supportive with us as we make these hard decisions!  

One thing that's clear about winning an award like Wisconsin Library of the Year is, it takes a whole lot of exceptional staff doing exceptional work to get an award like this. So let's all call out those exceptional people and the exceptional work they do and thank them!  Make your coworker's day and nominate them for a fun (or serious) award. It's easy to do- just go to this form and start typing in names of people who have really done an exceptional job this year! 

This week's Bright Spot Award goes to the KPL Kitten Rescue Squad. What a darling little creature! Well done, team!

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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...