Friday, October 2, 2020

Choose Your Own Adventure and other matters

Michelle and I are having great fun reading your responses to the Choose Your Own Adventure survey. It's a joy to see how many of you are enthusiastic about taking on new roles at the library. With my eyes set on retirement a few years from now, I'm personally excited to begin a Director's Boot Camp to share the inside view of the work I do in my position. It will be great for the organization to have someone who can confidently jump right in, knowing what needs to be done and clued in on the tricks I've learned to getting it done according to the expectations of all the agencies we report to. The same goes for other positions here at KPL. Providing an insider's view to the job you think you want may seal the deal for you or convince you to pursue something else. So feel free to dabble. No obligation.
For those of you who responded that you're blissfully happy in your current position, congratulations on landing where you belong! Contentment is the best state of mind. We're so glad you enjoy what you do- it shows!
If you haven't yet responded, please do. I have no doubt that 2021 will bring new opportunities.

This morning the New York Times reported that Oshkosh, WI has more COVID-19 cases per capita than anywhere in the country and that of the top 20 per capita concentrations of cases in the country, 8 northern Wisconsin cities are on the list. KPL has been really, really lucky so far and Kenosha County is doing very well in comparison to many parts of the state. 

No positive cases at KPL so far!!

Let's keep doing everything we have been doing, no matter how tiresome it gets! Wear the masks, wash your hands, spray down those surfaces, keep your distance. Avoid public gatherings and if you find yourself at one, please wear your mask. We're counting on you!
A side note: HIPPA rules protect the identity of any who contracts COVID-19. So should anyone on staff test positive, we won't be able to tell you who it is unless that person gives us permission. If you've possibly been exposed to anyone testing positive, the county health department will contact you through contact tracing and provide you with instructions. 

Coming soon: Staff Gratitude Awards. We've come up with some funny and serious awards for you to vote on this month as a lead up to Thanksgiving. We've been though a lot this year! Let's celebrate our good fortune to be healthy, employed, and facing a brighter future!

This week's Bright Spot Award goes to Zander for his calm and courageous leadership in launching KPL Community Conversations. Zander has a way of creating safe spaces for honest and meaningful dialogue that's just remarkable! Thank you for taking on this important work with such grace, Zander!

Happy fall weekend, everyone! Enjoy today's sunshine!


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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...