Monday, July 20, 2020

KPL's 2021 Budget

I'm sure you've all been hearing some deeply troubling stories about libraries losing operating money, resulting in layoffs, furloughs, and even branch closures. Madison will be closing one branch, hopefully only temporarily, and Milwaukee has furloughed staff. It's scary and worrisome, but in Kenosha the news is better, at least for 2021.
The city contribution to our 2021 budget will be a zero per cent increase. In past years, a zero per cent increase was disappointing. This year I'm grateful we won't take a cut. The city's contribution to our budget is about 63% of our total income. The rest of our income comes from our service to library patrons that live outside Kenosha city limits, fines and fees, system money for technology, and gifts and memorials.
While a zero per cent increase sounds like we can spend exactly what we did this year, that's not really true. We have new expenses, like all the wipes and masks we buy. And we have expenses that always increase like utilities, gas for our vehicles, and contracts for equipment maintenance. While we've been closed we lost significant revenue for faxes, prints, and overdue materials, and we are creating a 2021 budget that predicts a slow return to the kind of revenue from fees we realized before. 2022 will be a bigger challenge. Our payment for service to "nonresidents" which brings in over $1.5 million, is based on statistics for 2 years before. In 2022 it will be based on 2020 numbers, so you can imagine the big hit we'll take that year as we've been closed for so long. So we need to be careful with our money in 2021 so we don't get into a situation where we need to reduce our services or our staff in 2022.

Bottom line, there are NO PLANS FOR LAYOFFS OR STAFF FURLOUGHS now or in 2021.
Here's what we will do:

  1. As staff retire or resign we will hold those positions open until all locations return to full service and we experience the work level we experienced before the closure.
  2. Staff  who receive a "proficient" rating on performance reviews will receive their step increases as scheduled through the end of 2021.
  3. Staff will not receive a COLA (cost of living adjustment) in 2021.
I have no word from the city about healthcare benefits. Healthcare benefits come from the city and are determined by the city. It is very unusual for employees not to pay part of their healthcare premiums. I would not be surprised if that is on the table in the coming year or the next. That decision will be out of our control. I will let you know as soon as any decisions are made by city administration.

You can rest assured we're doing everything we can on our end to keep us thriving in these tough times. Your hard work and high spirits are the fuel that keeps us strong and I am grateful every day that you are all on our KPL team! Thanks for all you've done and all you plan to do to continue to strengthen neighborhoods, inspire learning, and keep Kenosha curious! Your community adores you!

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