Thursday, April 23, 2020

We Are Now Essential Services

As of April 24th, the Governor has adjusted the Safer at Home Order to allow for libraries to perform curbside service and we are open for business. Libraries are now essential. Therefore the Emergency Closing Policy is no longer in effect for employees. In order for us to deliver curbside pickup, we need our employees back on the job. 

As of Monday, April 27th, the rules for pay will change.
Everyone on staff is expected to meet their PCF. Staff  with exposure to the elderly or very young or those with health conditions that make them especially vulnerable continue to have the option to work from home up to 25% of their PCF. If you are unable to fulfill your PCF, you will be required to use your accrued time off to meet your PCF.  Your supervisor will be in touch regularly to finalize your assignments.

  • No more than 25% of your PCF can be met through telecommuting (per current personnel policy) 
  • Accrued time may be used to meet your PCF, using vacation, personal time, or comp time. 
  • Sick time may be used to care for a family member or your own personal illness.
  • Employees who do not earn sick time may be eligible for limited sick pay related to COVID-19 illness under a special federal program. Employees who think they are eligible should contact Michelle for further information.
  • Unpaid time may be used after all accrued time is exhausted.
  • Once the Safer at Home Order is lifted, all employees will be expected to report to work in person.

Here are some of the projects that may need your participation:
1. Shifting of the entire nonfiction collection at SW
2. Moving offices from CCB to SW
3. Spring garden cleanups at all locations
4. Training (in shifts) on the new outreach van we will soon pick up and deliver to Northside
5. Preparation of additional branches to begin curbside pickup
6. Driving the new outreach van to neighborhoods to provide internet access to neighborhoods in need
7. Withdrawing and boxing books at SW

8. Moving boxes of withdrawn books from SW to CCB

Service will be focused at SW, then phased in at other locations. So for now, we need you at SW no matter where you are regularly scheduled. May 1st is our target date to accept returns, which will change our staffing needs and will require us to redistribute our work force. All staff should be in daily contact with their supervisor for updates and weekly assignments.
I appreciate your cooperation and team spirit as we navigate our way back to normal. Please contribute every way you can and remain flexible in lending your hand wherever you are needed. I, for one, will be filling pick lists this afternoon and look forward to fulfilling that important role alongside you! Can't wait to see your smiling face.

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