Thursday, April 23, 2020

KPL Updates

Hello, Everyone
As we continue to navigate these uncertain times, I bring you a little structure:
1. We will NOT accept returns until at least May 1st. Under the current guidelines, materials will need to be quarantined between 24 and 72 hours, and until we know which, we're waiting. This is to protect you, and to protect the public
2. We will be reporting to work at SW in shifts to accommodate the heavy use of our curbside pickup service. Yesterday we had already received over 100 orders for materials. Since the holds process cannot be accomplished electronically, we must serve as the middle men in all transactions. This is work intensive and the Governor's orders restrict gatherings to NMT 10 in a room. So we're working in shifts at SW starting Thursday:
9am-2pm email reference and readers advisory taking orders and placing holds; curbside pickup
3-7 pm processing requests and calling patrons to schedule pickup the next day.
NOTE: Next day pickup is our standard. Same day pickup is not offered.
Linda is coordinating this scheduling. Please let her know if you are willing to fill a shift.

Here's what we have accomplished at SW during the Safer at Home order:
1. Finished weeding the SW collection
2. Begun shifting of collections to prepare for the activities room construction

Here are some of the projects that may need your participation:
1. Shifting of the entire nonfiction collection at SW
2. Moving offices from CCB to SW
3. Spring garden cleanups at all locations
4. Training (in shifts) on the new outreach van we will soon pick up and deliver to Northside
5. Preparation of additional branches to begin curbside pickup
6. Driving the new outreach van to neighborhoods to provide internet access to neighborhoods in need
7. Withdrawing and boxing books at SW
8. Moving boxes of withdrawn books from SW to CCB

Good news for us:
The federal CARES Act is providing $6,000 to KCLS to expand broadband service. We will add a wireless antenna to a public building in Salem Lakes and equip the book truck and new outreach van each with a powerful wireless antenna to create a mobile wireless hotspot that we can take to disadvantaged neighborhoods and community events.

This week's Bright Spot goes out to all the mask makers, and to Brandi for her extra hard work managing a constantly changing message to the public! They can't wait for library service to resume!

Stay tuned to the blog for regular updates!

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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...