Tuesday, March 10, 2020

What Will We Do When the Corona Virus Comes to Town?

Hello, Everyone
Last week I a shared a draft of our Pandemic Preparedness Plan. As plans are shared among libraries and cities across the country, and as more staff contribute their ideas, we continue to enhance and refine our plan for service to our community under a COVID-19 outbreak.
This link will always take you to the latest update of our plan. If you ever feel the need to check back, just remember to return to this blog post.

And now a word about working together as we face this challenge.
Remember that we have almost 100 different personalities on staff, and everyone will approach this collective challenge a little differently. Some may imagine symptoms where there are none, others will "tough it out" as they have all their lives and risk infecting everyone else, thinking they are doing the right thing. 
We are facing this virus epidemic together. In order to protect ourselves and the public, we must all focus on the common good. We will all clean tables and doorknobs and whatever else we need to do. "I don't clean" is not acceptable. And we need to stay home when we're sick, even if that means staffing is short that day.
Please support each other and reach out to me anytime. 

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