Monday, June 4, 2018

Wage Study Begins

Hello, Everyone
We've been talking for a few years now about conducting a wage study for KPL and we are finally making that happen. Carlson-Dettman will be evaluating each of our updated job descriptions and a few new job descriptions, measuring them against the Wisconsin and northern Illinois job markets to determine a fair wage for each position.
We want to do this for several reasons. The primary reason is, we want to be sure we are paying fairly for the work you are doing. Your work is always changing. We need to periodically re-evaluate your compensation to make sure your wages are in line with the work you do.
The second reason we are conducting this wage study is because we've created a number of new job descriptions such as Reference and Technology Guide, Communications Assistant, Communications Specialist, and Accounting Assistant. We placed those positions within current ranges with an educated guess, but without a professional wage study to tell us what the position should really be paid. It would be good to have a professional opinion. 
Along the same lines, library automation has changed what many of you do. Positions like Aide, Clerk, and Page were created before it was necessary to have computer skills. We are asking a lot more of you than we did when some of you were hired into your position.  It's time to evaluate the work really being done after AMH, and create job descriptions that accurately reflect the work. 
My observations tell me that circulation work post-AMH is divided into two areas: Inventory Control and Customer Service.
So we're sending two job descriptions to the wage consultants, a Customer Service Specialist, and an Inventory Control Specialist. Inventory Control Specialists will work on AMH, shelving, processing deliveries, processing holds, all the components of keeping the collections in order. This position combines Page and Aide. It's the perfect position for someone who's task-oriented, loves to move all day, and enjoys tackling a constant workload. If your favorite part of the day is the back room work, this is the position for you.
Customer Service Specialists will work directly with the customer, in person or on the phone. Clerks who have demonstrated good customer service skills will be eligible for these positions. Staff who are outgoing and love the people part of the job will be interested in this position. CSS will need basic reference skills to deliver the best service, and will be paid at the RTG level.
At the smaller branches where there is no AMH, staff will share customer service and inventory control duties.
No position will be paid less than $11.01 per hour, per board mandate. This has been determined as the "living wage" for Kenosha County, and our KPL Board has adopted this wage as the starting wage for this organization as soon as the wage study recommendations are implemented.
Once we have the recommended wages from our consultant, we will be able to determine the timeline for implementation. We may find that we can afford all the changes in 2019. Or we may have to phase in the changes. I promise you my very best effort in implementing the changes as quickly as the budget allows.
I'm sure all this information in an email leaves you with plenty of questions. We will be scheduling sessions soon for you to ask me questions about this process directly. Stay tuned for that announcement.
On June 25th, I will be hosting a consultant from Carlson Dettman to see your work in action. Please feel free to say hello to our guest and be prepared to answer questions he might have about the work you do each day.
I'm excited about getting this study underway. I look forward to sharing the results with you early August.

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