Friday, April 25, 2014

Cross Training

One of our common concerns is the way we move our customers back and forth between desks to answer their questions. For instance, I might come to the circulation desk to check out my items and remember that I forgot to place a hold on a book. Or maybe I'm chatting with the wonderful staff member who's checking me out and we start to talk about an author and the staff person mentions another that I might like, but when I say, could you put that book on hold for me, the staff person says, I can't do that- that desk over there can. Ughh. That doesn't feel good, does it? It doesn't feel good for the customer, either.
I know many of you have concerns about taking on additional roles because you feel like you're already very busy with your assigned responsibilities. Well, a group of circulation specialists got together last week and talked about the possibilities and we think we're ready to try something that will improve our customer service capabilities while respecting the concerns of our staff.
Northside Neighborhood Library is going to be our test site. We're going to host a reference staff member at the circulation desk and do some cross training. Circulation staff will get some training on placing holds and reference staff will get some basic circulation training so they can handle small obstacles to getting the customers' needs fulfilled. We're going to practice how to help customers with a team approach at one desk and see how it all works out. When the terrific staff at Northside gets it perfected, they can help Southwest try the same approach to service. We think it can work and when it does, we know our customers will be delighted.
Alice and Nancy and Tom and Lin will be working on the plan to make it happen. Thanks to all of you for your willingness to stretch your skills to help our customers enjoy the library more every time they visit!

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