Friday, October 13, 2023

Bright Spot Awards -Lots of them!

We are getting closer to the commencement of construction on the new library. The construction contract will go to Council on Monday evening and barring any disasters, we should have the thumbs up to begin. Check your email for the 3D images of the new spaces- they are simply stunning! We will begin posting photos of the space under construction over the next few weeks so we can all watch the progress and share the excitement with the public. I'll also share the pictures of the fabrics and play areas Heather and her team have selected for the space when I get updates from our architect..

Lots of Bright Spot Awards this week:

From Jennifer : "This morning, Patty spent an enormous amount of effort helping a patron in need. The patron is somewhat visually impaired, completely unfamiliar with technology, and assigned to do some coursework online by the government. Patty spent time showing him computer basics, helping him through the instructions he had been given, made sure he could see everything, and ultimately found him a more accessible way to complete this work - and even helped him get connected with KAFASI to request safe travel in the process. I overheard him telling her how grateful he was for her efforts, and how she made a difficult day much brighter. "I'm SO glad you were here to help me today - I will be back."

"Miss Shawn is clearly a bright spot for the kiddos and caregivers at our Thursday storytime here at Northside. They handpicked a stunning bouquet, just for her! (Photo attached)"

From Kimmy:

"I want to nominate Jennifer & Marcia for a bright spot. I was involved in a car accident on the way to work on Friday, September 29, where a lady turned in front of me and hit my driver's side of the vehicle. Both Jennifer and Marcia stepped up to the plate immediately to help me out. Marcia came in and covered my shift for me to be able to go to the ER and get both my baby and I to be checked out (we are okay) and Jennifer was super understanding of the situation and helped me come up with a solution while I figured out how to get to work since my car is now in the shop due to it not being driveable. I could have not asked for better individuals to be working with."

From Barb:
Thanks to everyone who pitched in this morning when the book sale opened at SW. The crowds were impressive! Thanks especially to Phillip who graciously assisted our elderly volunteers.

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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...