Friday, September 15, 2023

What's in the 2024 Budget?

We met with city administration last week and presented a draft 2024 operating budget for review. It looks likely that we will be funded at the level we asked for, so I feel like I can tell you what's in store without making promises that don't get kept. Please bear in mind that city administration is the first hurdle. The next is the council's finance committee in early November, then the full council in late November Nothing is absolutely certain till that vote is completed.

What's in the 2024 Budget:

Staff Wages
The City will fund a 2.5% Cost of Living (COLA) wage increase for all staff members beginning January 1, 2024. The city will also allow us to add one more step to our wage chart, so if you're at the top of your wage range this year, you'll get a step increase next year. I know that's good news for a number of you. 

New staff for UCL
YFS staff currently stationed at UPT and SI will transfer to KPL Kids @Uptown Lofts on opening day. (Spring 2024) Additional staff will be hired to provide for 53 hours per week of service at the new location: M-F 9am to 6pm and Saturday/Sunday 12-4.

New air conditioner (chiller) at Northside
The original air conditioner installed in 1993 has had a remarkable life and we will be sad to see it go, but it barely made it through this past summer. We'll get that replaced early in 2024 so we're ready for next summer's heat.

Information from the City:

  • If you're on the city's health insurance plan you will enjoy another year without having to pay a health care insurance premium. Annual deductibles for us single folks will remain at $2500. If you're on a family plan your total annual deductible will still be $5,000 as a family but each person within the plan will tap out at $3200, which is a slight increase.
  • City Hall will close on Juneteenth in the coming year. 
  • All city employees except KPD are migrating to Google Apps, which will make our lives so much easier when communicating with other city departments.
  • Flu shots administered by the city are for FT staff on city insurance. Please note that the Mayor has asked city HR to try and expand eligibility to all city staff, so if you're a part time library employee, stay tuned- we're trying to get you on the list of those eligible for the free flu shots.
  • COVID vaccinations should be available for free through the health clinic in a few months. Again, it's definitely for FT employees on the city's health insurance, but the Mayor is determined to find a way for all city employees to get the vaccination for free.
  • Remember the HRAs we would do at Transit every year? They will resume for those of you on the city's health insurance this spring.

A lot of people have asked me whether the Uptown Lofts apartments are "affordable housing." I have referred to them in all my grant applications as such. The city clarified with me this morning that the apartments are for low and moderate income folks and the rent is subsidized. So if people argue with you and tell you that the apartments are market rate, the price tag reflects market rate, but the people who qualify to live there get a lower rate than the advertised rent based on their income.

This week's Bright Spot nominations:

From Kahlil:

"Ed gave a tour to about 40 people from Kenosha's Sister City in Germany on 8/18. Based on the feedback that I received, the tour went amazing and everyone enjoyed themselves. Ed is a jewel to KPL!"

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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...