Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Our Heroine Jennifer

A KPL Christmas story to warm your heart, starring Jennifer K, the Bright Spot of the Year! Jennifer, Eric, Jason, Jeff, and Janet, thank you for your compassion and for embracing all the values of the public library and helping another human being in crisis. 

From today's building log:

At about 7:30am, Jennifer arrived at Northside for work. She noticed recent regular patron Chris
Levandowski (subject of recent building log from 12/17, white, approx 30s, wearing a black snowsuit, and black bags, also has a bike) in a sleeping bag under the overhang. Upon entering the building, she spoke with maintenance staff Jason, Jeff and Eric, noting that he was out there and she was worried about him in the cold. Jason, Jeff and Eric went out to say good morning and ask if he was alright, if he needed any help, and if he would like to come into the lobby to warm up and use the restroom before the library opened. Jennifer set down her things while they spoke to Chris and then swapped out with them in the lobby. Jason and Jeff waited inside near the self-checks while Jennifer spoke with Chris for a few minutes. It was learned that Chris has been experiencing homelessness for about 5 years now, and
doesn't have any friends or family in the area for help. He was unaware about the incoming snowstorm or further drop in temperatures. He also expressed that he has worked with "all the agencies" in the area
(naming several), but that ultimately, even when he qualified for services, landlords wouldn't accept the
program. Jennifer asked if she could reach out to some agencies on his behalf, to try to find a warm, safe place for him to stay the next few days and Chris accepted. At about 8am, Jennifer called the KHDS Crisis line and asked who to best reach out to on this issue currently, and they suggested she call back after 9am and ask for the Housing department. Between 8 and 9am, Janet offered Chris a cup of coffee or tea to warm up, which he accepted. At 9am, Jennifer did this and after a bit of phone tag, got
connected with Toni. After speaking with Chris, Toni was able to connect him with a voucher for a motel, starting tomorrow midday through Tuesday. After he hung up, Jennifer also offered him a bus token, either to help get him to the motel or for another place to warm up in the meantime.

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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...