Friday, November 4, 2022

Budget Cut- Be Sure to Thank Our Board

We have heard back from city administration about our 2023 budget request and for the 6th year in a row, they have decided to either cut or simply maintain our funding. This year's reasoning is based on the Library Board's decision to provide all staff with a 4% wage increase. The City maintains it can only afford to provide a 2.5% increase to city staff, and they have cut our budget request by the difference. Please take the time to thank your Library Board for putting staff first. I know that 4%  won't be enough to catch up with the increase in prices this past year, but I hope it helps a little.

The 2023 county budget for the library system which provides us with reimbursements for the service we give to Kenosha County residents who don't live within the city limits and supports most of our electronic collections, delivery, and technology infrastructure, passed without any changes. 

We are collecting Toys for Tots this year at our larger branches.

This week's Bright Spot comes from Shannon:

"I want to nominate Rob for a bright spot award this week for his continual hustle, troubleshooting, and patience while we set up the new service desk. (Even when we forgot to turn the printer back on.) Thanks, Rob!"

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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...