Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Vacation Carryover, Project Updates and Bright Spots

Happy Thanksgiving week, everyone!

I hope you all have a wonderful, restful holiday full of laughter and warmth with family and friends! I am thankful to be working with all of you doing this important work and I am thankful to know each of you, as each of you has greatly enriched my life by teaching me patience and kindness, guiding me through difficult times, or simply making me laugh. You are very special and Kenosha is very lucky to have you at their libraries.

As we approach the deep dark winter before us, it's important to know that KPL will be the only evening warming center for the city again this year. Froedert continues to restrict access due to COVID-19. If you get questions about shelter, please remember that Savannah is here to help. On the staff intranet under departments, the Simmons/ UPT team has posted a list of the best places for referral for various needs including shelter, food, and mental health counseling. That list continues to be updated, so feel free to make it your first stop when looking for community resources.

If you find yourself with an abundance of 2022 vacation to use by the end of the year, you have the option to carry over up to 40 hours into 2023. Any carryover needs to be used the first quarter of 2023 (by the end of March.) If you want to do this, please email me your request, per the handbook.  Remember that personal time does NOT carry over, so if you have personal time that you haven't scheduled yet, make that the first thing you schedule. 

Project progress:

  • We're drafting a contract with Engberg Anderson for the design of the children's library space.
  • We have a request for proposal out to three consultant firms to help us raise money for the children's library.
  • We're pulling together a 100 Extraordinary Women campaign to kick off fundraising for the children's library.
  • We're finalizing a contract with a bookmobile expert who will guide us in the selection and design of a new bookmobile.
  • We have a contract with Mulberry History Advisors to write a NEH Infrastructure and Capacity Challenge grant application starting January. That grant would provide significant funds to KPL for Simmons restoration and to create an ADA accessible entrance on the building.
  • We're just about ready to launch our FINRA funded financial education 2 year initiative that will include public workshops, individualized financial coaching for the public, staff training, and financial education collection development. This is a partnership with The Urban League.
I'll keep you posted as these projects progress.

This week's Bright Spot nomination comes from Marcia.
"I want to nominate Kimmy Smith for Bright Spot award for shoveling the NS front entry and the book drop approach Saturday afternoon when the heavy lake effect snow accumulation left too much snow to ignore. Kimmy went out and shoveled and salted in cold, windy darkness."

Friday, November 11, 2022

KPL KIDS @Uptown Library rising from the rubble

Uptown Lofts and KPL Kids @Uptown Library rising from the rubble

We're already working hard planning a fundraising campaign for the space, working with architects to plan the space, and lining up partners to activate the services we'll offer there. We're determined to pull this all off in one year, so fasten your seat belts! Here we go!

It's a busy week ahead. KPL Friends and Foundation will be in a virtual retreat Tuesday evening with the Library Board to sort out roles in our fundraising campaign. Wednesday I appear before the Common Council Finance Committee to present the 2023 operating and capital budgets.

Another retirement announcement, this time from Mary Kozel. (frown face). Her last day will be January 12th. So sad to see you go, Mary, so happy for you to do whatever you like whenever you like in retirement!

This week's Bright Spot Awards:

From Jennifer: "I wanted to share a Bright Spot for Kimmy Smith - As we navigate the scheduling challenges that inevitably come with the holiday season and end of the year, Kimmy has been incredibly flexible in her schedule in a way that feels above and beyond. While everyone is trying to use up PTO and work out the best ways to see their families during the holiday season, Kimmy has been cheerfully picking up nights and weekends, as well as shifting things around to fill building gaps to make sure the rest of us get that time. We are so grateful!"

From Barb: Yay to our Southwest public service desk staff  for "working the line" for elections, offering to look up ward numbers for voters and making a tough day for elections staff so much easier. Voting day is when we see a lot of people who don't use the library often or at all. You really delighted a lot of people on Tuesday, hopefully reconnecting them with everything the library has to offer. And the new central position of the service desks has already proven to be a good thing. Well done, everyone!

Friday, November 4, 2022

Budget Cut- Be Sure to Thank Our Board

We have heard back from city administration about our 2023 budget request and for the 6th year in a row, they have decided to either cut or simply maintain our funding. This year's reasoning is based on the Library Board's decision to provide all staff with a 4% wage increase. The City maintains it can only afford to provide a 2.5% increase to city staff, and they have cut our budget request by the difference. Please take the time to thank your Library Board for putting staff first. I know that 4%  won't be enough to catch up with the increase in prices this past year, but I hope it helps a little.

The 2023 county budget for the library system which provides us with reimbursements for the service we give to Kenosha County residents who don't live within the city limits and supports most of our electronic collections, delivery, and technology infrastructure, passed without any changes. 

We are collecting Toys for Tots this year at our larger branches.

This week's Bright Spot comes from Shannon:

"I want to nominate Rob for a bright spot award this week for his continual hustle, troubleshooting, and patience while we set up the new service desk. (Even when we forgot to turn the printer back on.) Thanks, Rob!"


Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...