Friday, May 27, 2022

News for the week of May 23-29

From Alejandria:
Teen Space is open from 1-6 this Friday (May 27th). KUSD (Lance) has a half-day and students will be let out of school by 11:45 PM and we open earlier on No School Days and Half-Days where they are out before 1.
  • Plenty of snacks & water. After not being able to get snacks from Shalom for a while, they were able to provide us with a stock of snacks. If you are working at other branches, snacks and water have been distributed to them this week so all our branches should be pretty well stocked right now.
  • Nia Pathways and Purpose for the Future. In case you are not already aware, KPL is a partner organization with UW Extension on a new initiative, Nia. We meet at Southwest Library every Thursday after school. Nia is an extra-curricular program designed for 7th-12th grade students in the Black community to explore their skills, interests, and options for after high school. While it is aimed at Black youth it is open to any 7th-12th grader who wants to join. We will continue to meet during the summer and sessions may include visits from local professionals or business owners, help with interviewing and resume skills, and other exploratory activities.
  • Behavior issues. May is usually a time where behavior issues increase as the weather gets nicer and teens get antsy to end school for the year. I know I myself have just been feeling like I have more energy as the weather shifts so I where our teens are coming from, but this behavior does need to be redirected into acceptable library behavior. Recently, we've had some issues with teens being asked to leave for the day and sneaking back in. I know who many of our teens are so, if you have had to give a ban or ask a teen to leave for the way, please feel free to stop into the Teen Space and brief me on the situation. Usually through a series of follow-up questions, I am able to identify the teen you are talking about.
Michelle's Presentation on email etiquette from all-staff day is here for you to view.

Now that KPL has moved to BiblioCommons we're getting inquiries from patrons who "belong" to other libraries about whether they can import their booklists because they like our catalog better. (We only imported KPL patron booklists when we migrated.)  SHARE has moved this request to the SHARE Director's Council for a vote as there are concerns about the privacy of non-KPL patron information handled by a third party. Clearly we are satisfied with our privacy agreements with BC. It will just take some education and probably a couple of months of meetings. If patrons ask, go ahead and tell them we're ok with it but we need their library's permission and that is pending.

SHARE is also moving in their own direction with a Sirsi/Dynix Blue Cloud app, independent of our BC app. I'm not sure what they're including on their app in terms of local library programs and info. I expect a good number of patrons within SHARE will also prefer our app. The conversation there is that our app is very KPL-centric. We don't advertise other library programs, so if they are only looking for collections, they are free to download the BC app, but if they want a more personal connection to their local library they should opt for the new SHARE app. As far as collections go, either app will search all our catalogs combined, so their choice doesn't affect that, though they'll miss out on our awesome book lists!

Questions have arisen about summer dress code. The core dress code remains the same as last year with one exception: All staff can wear clean long leg jeans in good repair any day of the week. No jean shorts.
Please be sure you are following the rules for footwear. If you're rolling carts around or lifting heavy objects during the day, you need closed toed shoes to protect your feet. Let's stay safe!

I'm heading to the east coast to celebrate my grandson's 8th birthday and will be out all next week. I'll be back to work the weekend. While I'm gone, please check in with Linda or Rob about matters that can't wait, and although I will have technology with me, I won't be staring at my email, so if it's an emergency feel free to call. 

Happy holiday, everyone!

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