Friday, April 1, 2022

Censorship in Libraries on the Rise


Efforts to control library collections have increased across the country and in some communities, libraries have a real fight on their hands. As is often the case, it seems a very small minority of the population is making a lot of noise. ALA hired professionals to poll the public to understand the source and concentration of book banning sentiment. Here's what they found.So what happens here if someone challenges our collection? Our Collection Development Policy walks you through the whole process and includes a Reconsideration Form to provide to anyone who wishes to make a formal complaint about an item in our collection. Bottom line, don't argue with anyone about whether a collection item has merit or belongs in our collection. Just listen and assure the patron they have been heard, then offer them a copy of the Collection Policy (from our website or the staff digital workspace)  which includes the Reconsideration Form.  Most of the time they don't follow through with a formal complaint if they think someone listened to them. If they do choose to follow through, send the completed Reconsideration Form to Rob or to me. We'll follow through and respond to the patron.

Other News
If you live in Kenosha County and have electronic devices you need to discard, May 7th is a free collection day. See details here.

Our next Library Board meeting is @ Northside on Tuesday April 12th at 5:30pm. Carlson Dettman, our wage consultant firm, will deliver their recommendations to the board during this meeting. This is a public meeting and everyone is welcome to attend.

City Administration is asking for our 2023 Budget draft very early this year- by the end of May. So we'll have our noses in spreadsheets for the next two months calculating income and expenses for the coming year.

A group of three volunteers from Public Allies will be working with our Friends of the Library to streamline book sales and recruit FOL membership. They've also pledged to find offsite storage space for FOL donations to free up our garages for maintenance needs. 

The Friends book sale is next weekend, Friday-Sunday in the Southwest lobby.

Hope to see you tomorrow (Saturday) at KPL's Uptown Neighborhood party from 1-4pm 

Have a wonderful almost-spring weekend, everyone!

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