Friday, July 16, 2021

2022 Pay Increase and other news

On Tuesday evening, our Library Board voted unanimously to give all of our staff a 4% cost of living increase in wages for 2022. All of them commented on how much they appreciate all of you and how proud they are of their library. Congratulations! You've earned it!

You might recall that in 2018 we contracted with Carlson-Dettman for a wage survey. We implemented changes in our wage structure in 2019 based on that survey. In 2022, we will again contract with Carlson-Dettman for an updated survey of wages in the Upper Midwest to compare what other libraries and businesses pay for similar work. We'll include $50,000 in the 2022 budget so we can make necessary changes starting next July. 

Other news:
  • Buildings return to 100% capacity on July 19th. Meeting rooms remain at a 50% capacity limit.
  • Kenosha County Library System (KCLS) welcomes new Board member, County Supervisor Boyd Frederick.
  • Kenosha Public Library welcomes two new members to our Board- Nancy Humphrey and George Gregory. George also serves on the KCLS Board.
  • Nancy MacKenzie has announced her retirement. Her last day will be August 16th.
  • Jeff Dial's last day is July 23rd. Nancy and Jeff, I'm so jealous! We wish you so much happiness!

Happy weekend, everyone!

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