Friday, July 30, 2021



We've been contemplating the incident reports from the past year and it's pretty clear that the frequency of mental health problems we face in our libraries is on the rise. This has always been a big challenge for large urban libraries. Now it's the case for just about every public library in America. We've considered a lot of different ways to respond to this and we've been talking with 10 other libraries in Wisconsin who serve  populations between 50,000 and 100,000 about best practices. A few have chosen to hire social workers after experiments with student interns. Linda and I spoke with Dr. Rebecca Hornung at Carthage College this morning about working with her social work students on a support plan for our staff. We have a draft response plan in mind that begins with staff interviews to capture your on-the ground experience with challenging patrons and your thoughts on the library's role in responding to our community's challenge with mental health and unhoused people. This will provide a "needs assessment" and inform a staff training plan that will help us all more effectively recognize the issues our patrons present and respond in a way that lends the best outcomes for both the library and our patrons. Next steps will include a referral partnership with social service agencies and student placements to support our learning. 

To accomplish the first step of this program, we'll be meeting via Zoom with Dr. Hornung in groups of 25 in August. There will be 3 groups, one in the evening.  Each session will last 90 minutes. In order to clearly understand our challenges, I need all ADS, YFS, Outreach, Maintenance, and Circulation staff to attend one of the sessions. As soon as we have firm dates, we'll let you know.

You've all been doing a great job referring police surveillance requests to me. With the new cameras installed, there will be a slight change in how things work. For the new people on staff, a little background: Wisconsin Statutes provide special protections for information regarding  people's use of  public libraries including what people check out and what they search on the Internet. That protection isn't about a library visit, it's about their freedom to read and view what they please without government interference. If people run into a car in our parking lot or steal a bike outside, that's not protected information.

Up to now, the cameras inside the building and on the outside of the building have been on the same system, so all requests for footage have been vetted by the Library Director, who is responsible to protect library patron privacy. The  new system divides the inside cameras and the outside cameras to separate servers so starting soon, with a little tweak on their end, KPD can access the outside footage on our buildings without permission.

KPD  will continue to need permission to view activity on the inside of the library, which only KPL staff will have access to. It's my responsibility to make sure we are sharing only the activity not protected by law, and if the police need records of protected activity, that they have the necessary court orders for that. So always pass those requests on to me. Rob will let us know when the new system is complete. And to be clear, we will always have access to both the inside and the outside footage, so sending me requests for either will never be a problem. Gradually KPD will learn when they don't have to ask at all.


  • We've signed a contract for painting at Northside that will be done toward the end of the year. If you'd like to see the colors chosen, reach out to Jennifer. Thanks to Jennifer and Aaron for creating a beautiful palette.
  • DPI will be providing KPL and Community Library some extra training money through KCLS, our library system. If there are training opportunities  or specific topics for training you'd like to see us bring to KPL, please let your supervisor know. Thanks!
  • Don't forget about the Parking Lot Social tonight starting at 6:30 at NS. The Nights at Northside series has been a big hit with the community!


Several  Bright Spot nominations this week:

From Lisa Rivers:

"I wanted to give a special bright spot shout out and thank you to Frankie Navarez Vega for helping Youth Services with our rescheduled Egg Drop Challenge event held on Friday,July 23rd. The kids had a blast making their contraptions to protect an uncooked egg they were given from breaking when dropped onto the concrete slab. The egg contraptions were being dropped by none other than Frankie high above in the bucket of our scissors lift at the Southwest Library. Frankie went above and beyond and even drew a chalk target on the sidewalk. He was a tremendous help. Not to mention that he saved me from going up and down in the scissors lift, and I have to admit I am just a wee bit afraid of heights. Another special thank you goes out to Jason Holmes for coordinating everything with Frankie. You guys are the best and we couldn't have done it without all your help. "

From Jeremy: 
"I would like to nominate Jennifer Kozelou and Brandi Cummings. My family has gone to several of the Nights at Northside and they have been fantastic every time. The addition of Kona ice on these warm summer evenings was really a terrific idea and greatly appreciated."

Friday, July 23, 2021

Some Bright Spot Nominations for the Week

Not much to report this week, except we're working hard on various budget requests and all the paperwork that explains them. Glad to see so many people returning to the library! Hope you're all enjoying the summer weather.

Bright Spot Nominations this week:

From Alejandria: "I'd like to nominate Hilary Perrino for a Bright Star. She made this super cute Zoom from A to Z passive activity for the Children's Area that is flawless in it's execution and just an all around great idea. She's also been really great at giving me P.L.A.Y. Pack projects to give our teen volunteers. "

From Barb: Sitting within ear shot of the SW circ and ADS teams has been a joy for me this past year. I regularly overhear the most lovely and thoughtful interactions with patrons that make me so proud to work with the SW team! All of you are Bright Spots! Thanks for being so kind and patient (and brilliant!) with our visitors!

Happy weekend, Everyone!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Drinking fountains

Some of our patrons are asking when we will turn on our drinking fountains again. Today our county health department released a new situation report with a link to an interactive map on the DHS website  that shows vaccination rates across Wisconsin by county. Kenosha County remains below 50% fully vaccinated. Until that number climbs to 70%  we would be irresponsible to offer a shared standard drinking fountain to the public where multiple mouths may touch the same spigot. What we will be doing is retrofitting existing fountains to water bottle fillers. Dan is testing a retrofit kit to see if it will work on our existing machines and provide this affordable solution. 

Whether we like it or not, the pandemic continues. Let’s hope the Delta variant doesn’t find enough unvaccinated hosts to get so strong that it force us into another shutdown and significant loss of life. There are now over 3 million deaths in India alone from this virus. Please encourage everyone you know who has resisted vaccination and is medically eligible to receive the vaccine to do their part to protect children and other vulnerable people and get vaccinated. We are all in this together. 


Friday, July 16, 2021

2022 Pay Increase and other news

On Tuesday evening, our Library Board voted unanimously to give all of our staff a 4% cost of living increase in wages for 2022. All of them commented on how much they appreciate all of you and how proud they are of their library. Congratulations! You've earned it!

You might recall that in 2018 we contracted with Carlson-Dettman for a wage survey. We implemented changes in our wage structure in 2019 based on that survey. In 2022, we will again contract with Carlson-Dettman for an updated survey of wages in the Upper Midwest to compare what other libraries and businesses pay for similar work. We'll include $50,000 in the 2022 budget so we can make necessary changes starting next July. 

Other news:
  • Buildings return to 100% capacity on July 19th. Meeting rooms remain at a 50% capacity limit.
  • Kenosha County Library System (KCLS) welcomes new Board member, County Supervisor Boyd Frederick.
  • Kenosha Public Library welcomes two new members to our Board- Nancy Humphrey and George Gregory. George also serves on the KCLS Board.
  • Nancy MacKenzie has announced her retirement. Her last day will be August 16th.
  • Jeff Dial's last day is July 23rd. Nancy and Jeff, I'm so jealous! We wish you so much happiness!

Happy weekend, everyone!

Friday, July 9, 2021

October book sale, Budget increase, Nights at Northside!

Next FOL book sale planned for October
It's ok to start accepting book donations for FOL sales, but we aren't going to advertise it so we aren't inundated. We'll advertise right before the next official sale. We are planning a lobby sale at SW in October.

Great Kenosha County Library System budget news from WLA:

We are so happy to come to you with the news that Governor Tony Evers signed the 2021-2023 State Budget today!

The 2021-2023 State Budget passed by the Wisconsin Legislature and signed by Governor Evers on July 8 reflects bipartisan support for an important investment in public library services. It includes an additional $2.5 million in 2021-2022 and $4 million in 2022-2023 state aid for regional public library systems which will enhance the foundational infrastructure delivering additional resources to local libraries and their communities. During Joint Finance Committee (JFC) deliberations on May 27, its members recommended legislative support for Governor Evers’ request to augment the critical ongoing investment in public library services in the areas of technology, workforce development and lifelong learning supported by legislators on both sides of the aisle.

Funding was also maintained at levels included in the Governor’s executive budget for the state library resource contracts with the Wisconsin Talking Book and Braille Library, the Cooperative Children’s Book Center, and statewide inter-library loan access to Milwaukee Public Library and UW-Madison collections. BadgerLink and Newsline for the Blind are also among the core services maintained at current levels in the next biennium.

Nights at Northside Overview from Jennifer
Now that it is July, I wanted to write and tell you a bit more about the Nights at Northside Series happening at NS this month. This is a series that is appropriate for all ages - and all ages are encouraged, whether it is kids and families, or a group of adult friends. It takes place out in the NS parking lot, after hours on Friday nights for the rest of the month (starting next week). 

Friday, July 9th - Chalk it Up is back! You may remember this event, sponsored by the FOL, in previous years, where teams or individuals create a work of art out of our sidewalks. I'm really looking forward to seeing what is created this year!

Friday, July 16th - Think Outside the Box. This cardboard challenge is a fun brainchild of myself and Susannah G. Registered teams will be provided with cardboard and other fun supplies (see another email about this shortly!) and will be tasked to turn them into a Robot. While the robots will not need to work (as we only have an hour), teams will need to share a backstory about what this robot does. Each team will also blind draw an item that will need to be used in their design - Iron Chef style! This one could be a fun date night or team-building event if anyone is looking! PLUS, Blu Popper will be on-site, to help with those mid-build hunger cravings! 

Friday, July 23rd - Birds of a Feather Opera - The Kenosha Opera Festival will be presenting a special performance of "Birds of a Feather" and 15-20 minute adaptation of Mozart's "The Magic Flute," from Greg Berg (WGTD).  Bring along your lawn chairs to enjoy this exciting children's opera, visit a popup FOL booksale (featuring children's materials), grab some dinner and an icy treat from Blu Popper and Kona Ice, and don't forget a children's activity from YFS!

Friday, July 30 - Parking Lot Social. We will wrap things up with a chance to boogie with the Book Truck and OS team, activities from ADS and YFS, games from our own library of things, and one last visit from Blu Popper and Kona Ice!

NOTE: Anyone is encouraged to visit and buy a treat from Blu Popper and Kona Ice during their visits. They do not need to be participating in the rest of the program. 


This week's Bright Spot award goes to Jason Holmes for helping our unhoused long-term visitor Will and his ornery pup head off toward the services they need. Jason inflated Will's tires and jump started his battery so Will could once again find freedom on the road. Thanks to everyone who showed Will and his furry friend compassion and respect during this tough time in his life. 

Enjoy the beautiful summer day!


Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...