Thursday, March 11, 2021

News for the Week

As if 2020 wasn't cruel enough, our staff has suffered a number of losses of loved ones in the first few  months of this year. Our hearts go out to you all. 

Food for Fines week continues through Saturday. Grace Welcome Center and Safe Harbor will come get what we've collected next week.

Ever wonder why we chose "Keeping You Curious" as a major focus? Here's a great article on just how important curiosity is to your mental and physical well being.

From Alejandria:
"I just wanted to give a heads up that KPL's Teen Advisory Board starts meeting this month! We will meet virtually, once a month, on the last Thursday of the month. Registration is different from our normal registration-based programs, interested teens will need to fill out the online form (which can be found under the 'Volunteering' box on the Teen page of the website) and then will be emailed the Zoom link each month for our monthly meetings. They only need to register one time and they will be sent the Zoom link each month. If they or their adults have more questions, please direct them to Susannah G. and myself. 

If you have teens expressing interest in volunteering at the library, please let them know that our Teen Volunteer Program is currently not active due to COVID-19, BUT they can earn volunteer hours by participating in the Teen Advisory Board. This is a great way for teens to give direct feedback on the things that are important to them so we can better serve them and create programs/services that better speak to their needs."

I'll be out tomorrow. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

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