Friday, September 18, 2020

Highly Recommended Training and other news...

Hello, Everyone

Here's what's new and a few reminders:

  • As of Monday, all branches are open! I can't thank all of you enough for the thoughtful planning, shifting, cleaning, spacing, scheduling, messaging, and rearranging that took place in order for all library branches to be back open for business. I know your community is ecstatic about returning to their neighborhood libraries and personally, I am thrilled to be back in a public service location to help greet and serve them. 
  • If patrons ask, please let them know we will be adding evening hours as a next phase in our transition back to "normalcy." As we all know, it's two steps forward and one step back these days. We never know what tomorrow will bring, but we'll do everything we can to restore services as soon and as safely as possible.
  • It's National Voter Registration Day on September 22nd and our library staff have prepared by creating this amazingly helpful resource to guide our community through registration and selecting their candidates. It's easy to remember the link- our website address/vote. Thanks to everyone who worked on this! And don't forget- our ADS staff are trained to guide any of our visitors or callers to guide them through the registration process.
  • Now that were open at all locations, remember that if your job description allows for telecommuting, you'll need an a written agreement to take advantage of that option. See your supervisor.
  • Also remember that our 2020 Dress Code is back in full effect starting Monday. See my last blog post for the details of that dress code.
  • Building Our Future Kenosha County is hosting weekly community conversations on Thursdays at 4pm at the Uptown Bank Building. If you have strong convictions abut how our community can come together around commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, please join the conversation. 
  • The city of Kenosha is also holding community conversations on Sundays which may fit your work schedule better. Here's the schedule with links to sign up.
  • To improve our security, we'll be replacing our exterior locks with a Fob system, devices each of you will receive that slip onto your key chain and allow you access to outside doors by touching the fob to the handle. Here's a picture of a fob system. It will take some time to get the system into place, and we'll do it location by location. I'll keep you posted as we finalize the installation schedule.

From Michelle:
I have spoken to several staff who watched the latest Ryan Dowd webinar "Getting Hit on by Customers".  The reviews have been filled with praise.  I highly recommend everyone (men included!) watch this video as soon as possible.  Great tips!  

Use this link for registration (even though it has already happened), sign up and you will be taken to the video recording.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!

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