Monday, August 3, 2020

Back to Normal Service Hours at UPT and SI

  • Beginning today, we are restoring public hours at UPT and SI to their normal schedule, closing for one hour at 1pm for cleaning.  This change will accommodate our service industry and industrial workers who have more non-traditional work schedules and make sure people of all abilities have access to library services while we remain closed at the larger branches. 
  • Northside and Southwest re-openings are delayed due to the recent surge in positive COVID-19 cases. New target dates are early September. With the new statewide mandate for face coverings, the infection rate should have tanked considerably by then.
If you get questions from patrons on the phone or at curbside about why we're not open at the larger branches, please assure them we will be open as soon as we can do so safely. With the sudden spike in infections, we believe the most prudent thing to do is wait a little longer until new infections are much lower. Group gatherings are the worst thing we can do right now. The smaller branches don't attract big groups, so we can control the environment much more easily. Please encourage them to visit those locations if they just need to go to a library.

  • The August primary election is next Tuesday, August 11. We will serve as a polling place at NS and SW. The Wisconsin Elections Commission has provided rulings about face masks, including the question of whether you must wear a mask to vote. Naturally, the answer is no. Here's the exact wording of the answer:
Q: Can municipalities require voters to wear face coverings while voting at the polls on election day? A: No, Commission staff have advised that only the Legislature can establish individual voter qualifications. The authority of the Legislature to establish voter qualifications is rooted in the Wisconsin Constitution. The WEC, along with state agencies, county or local governing bodies and/or election officials, cannot pass ordinances or establish rules that add qualifications for an eligible elector to cast a ballot. The Executive Order issued by the Governor on July 30, 2020 that requires face coverings in certain situations does not apply to voters. No voter should be refused a ballot for lack of wearing a face covering. Clerks may establish procedures to allow for voters without facial coverings to cast a ballot safely on election day. This may involve using designated areas of the polling place for these voters or assigning poll workers with additional personal protective equipment (PPE) to serve these voters. 

  • Want to watch a visual that helps you understand why the whole state is wearing masks? Watch this time lapse of COVID-19 positive cases per 1,000 by clicking on the right arrow button at the top right of the map. Hard to believe there have been almost 55,000 positive cases in the state, but this dashboard will provide all kids of surprises.
  • Congratulations and a fond farewell to Cathy Jensen as she transitions to the wonderful life of retirement. Cathy's last day with KPL is Friday. Cathy, we appreciate all the years you've devoted to KPL and will miss you here at work. We hope to see you often at curbside and across the counter. Don't forget us!

This from Amy Klein:
I would like to nominate Emily Kastelic for a Bright Spot, she always goes above and beyond helping patrons. Her kindness and patience are so apparent on the phone, she is such an asset to the library and our patrons. 

Amy, I agree. Emily's customer service is off the charts, and by the way, so is yours!

Have a wonderful week, everyone!

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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...