Wednesday, September 4, 2019

News for the Week

Congratulations and thanks to our outstanding Youth and Family Services Staff for another incredible Summer Reading Program. The team surveyed parents and caregivers of participating youth and here's what they said:
92% reported their child maintained or increased their reading skills.
79% reported their child reads more often
86% reported their child is a more confident reader
75% reported their child uses the library more often
What an impressive report card!

Also, Congratulations to Karen Rozzoni for graduating from DPI's Youth Services Development Institute!

Marcia and I visited LDV Vehicles in Burlington last Friday to brainstorm an additional delivery vehicle for Outreach. Looking forward to seeing the prototype they develop!

The first round of capital budget talks with the Mayor went well. If approved in the next two rounds, we'll move forward with some restoration work at Simmons, replace the exterior doors and back stairs at Uptown, and start the first phase of work at Southwest that will create a larger central activities room. Check out the September board packet released later this week for pictures of the new spaces planned.

No additional information on just when we'll move out of the Civic Center building. The new Shalom Center Food Pantry addition needs to be finished first, and that project isn't on schedule, so we're waiting. In the meantime, the air conditioning at CCB breathed its last breath, and the cost of repair is astronomical, so conditions are worse than ever till heating season.
Which leads me to this:
This week's Bright Spot goes to all the staff at CCB who have stoically endured the heat and stale air since the air conditioning broke several weeks ago. You are amazing!

I'll be heading to San Francisco for a long weekend, starting tomorrow, back Monday. We'll be in Yosemite on Friday so I'll be offline. Please contact Linda Noyce for any major decisions in my absence.
Enjoy the beautiful change of seasons!

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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...