Friday, January 11, 2019

News for the Week

  • Wild Wisconsin Winter Web conference is a terrific series of webinars over the course of two days, January 23-24. You can join in for one hour or many hours. Lots of short and interesting presentations on a wide variety of library topics for all staff. KPL helps pay for this annual conference, so please participate if you can!
  • For all you readers, help Kenosha win a cash prize for the most time spent reading. Sign up or sign in at and start logging the number of hours you read between January 1 and January 31. Audiobooks count!
  • We'll be holding all-staff meetings on February 4 and 5 to discuss the major projects we have scheduled in 2019. This is a mandatory meeting for full time employees and strongly encouraged for part time employees and is a great chance to ask questions of the entire management team.  If you cannot make the meetings due to schedule conflicts, I will share our slides after the presentations. The print and electronic editions of the 2019 Business Plan will be available shortly. I highly encourage you all to read about about the exciting programs and services we will offer the community in the coming year. We are all in this together and we need YOU on board to help us achieve our goals and talk to the public about the value of the library. 
  • The Friends of the Library are gearing up to create a bookstore in the concession area of SW. Opening day is targeted to June 2019.
  • In an effort to save on supply costs and reduce our trash output, we'd like to install hand dryers in all our staff restrooms. Please take this short survey and let us know if you agree or disagree. Thanks!
This week's Bright Spot Award goes to all the circulation staff as they try on their new roles. Whether you are a Customer Service Specialist or an Inventory Control Specialist, we are so grateful for all you do! Thanks for being willing to learn new things and tackle the daily job of serving the public!

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Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...