Thursday, November 1, 2018

News for the Week

  • KPL is in the national spotlight for the outstanding "We Are Kenosha" project led by Heather. See the promotion here. Thanks for making us proud, Heather!
  • 8 of us spent 2 days at Crisis Intervention Training at Gateway and it was really worth the time. If you work directly with the public and are unsure what to do or say when you encounter someone who seems to be experiencing mental illness, I highly recommend you take the training. Sessions are offered twice a year and are free. Look for Michelle's next announcement in the new year.
  • The next library board meeting is on November 13th at SW. We'll be taking an amended vacation policy that is less punitive for staff who move from part time to full time work. We'll also be expanding the list of qualified organizations that can vouch for the identity and address of a person in transitional housing looking to get a library card.
  • The Board's Personnel and Finance Committee attended a presentation by our wage study consultant this week that outlined the process for determining market values of the work we do. The next step is to consider the impact of the consultant's recommendations on the budget. We are still on track to implement the new pay structure on January 1, 2019.

  • The Center for the Future of Libraries offers new ideas every week about trends that connect with current and future library services. The ideas are synthesized into main trend areas that we should keep in mind as we build new services. Here's the current trend list. For each trend there is a description, a section on how the trend is developing and a section on why it matters to libraries. I encourage you to spend some time with these trends. I'm hoping to pull together a group of staff who are interested in discussing them and brainstorming some interesting ways we can get ahead of the curve and anticipate how people will continue to use the library.

  • Will Tiny Books change the way we read? Penguin Random House is counting on it. My first thought is how to shelve a tiny book? 

  • On December 1st at 5pm, KPL SW will close to the public and open to Friends, Foundation, Board and staff for a year end celebration. It's been a particularly successful year with four awards and plenty of great stories to share. Let's celebrate by hosting the volunteers who help make us great. We'll have food, drink, and great conversation. We'll show off the highlights of our service throughout the library and have a chance to say thank you to the people who raise money on our behalf for the extras we enjoy.
I hope you'll join us.
When: December 1, 5pm-7pm
Where: KPL SW
Who: All of you are invited!
If you love to plan parties, please let me know ASAP! We need your creativity to make this a great event.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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