Wednesday, September 26, 2018

News from Admin

SirsiDynix Connections Summit is fast approaching on November 13, 2018 and there's great programming available online, free of charge, from 11am to 3pm. Even if you seldom work with Workflows, there are wonderful presentations on customer experience, tech trends, and marketing that will be of interest to everyone. One of the best programs to look forward to  (ah-hem) is my presentation on the story behind KPL's Power Library Award. My presentation is wedged between two dynamic library leaders, David Lee King and Michael Stephens. I'm going to need to really show my passion to keep up with those guys! Game on!

The KPL Innovation Grant judges will meet on Monday to decide which projects get funded. Stay tuned for an exciting announcement!

This week's Bright Spot Award goes to Dana Purucker for her exemplary conversations with visitors to the Simmons Library. This past Saturday, Dana met the descendants of Zalmon Simmons himself. She so charmed them that they offered fundraising support. Dana, I often hear about your fabulous work with children, but your hospitality extends to all visitors, and we thank you for all you do to make Simmons and KPL shine!

And finally, watch this great video telling us why our patrons use the library and smile! Thanks, Marcia, and KCM!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

October Programming

Hi Everyone!

As promised, here is the continuation of the preview of some upcoming ADS programs that you can focus on sharing with our patrons. I was glad to hear from many of you that this was helpful to you and I appreciate your help in getting the word out about these exciting events.

Both SWEAT and NOSFERATU continue into October. Please continue sharing these! Marcia and I both have put a lot of work into these events.

As always, feel free to reach out with any questions.

Thank you!

  • October 8: THE CHOP at Public Craft (Ages 21+). This one had a huge change to the location/time/date, but it is going to be a very exciting program, fusing work stories and discussion with local artists.
  • October 16: The performance of SWEAT! Please remember that RSVP's are highly encouraged for this event. As of my writing, we are at 85 registrants -- this barely makes a dent in the capacity at the UAW Local 72 Hall.
  • October 9 and October 23: The Social Justice Book Club is reading work/employment books this month - especially SWEAT by Lynn Nottage! This is a great time for new people to get involved with this lively group if they were hesitant in the past. They meet at Northside.
  • October 5: Blood Drive. Please encourage people to register for this Blood Drive at Southwest -- and offer to register them if they are interested! I have instructions on how to register people here (linked).
  • October 5 and October 6: Vampire Film Festival at Southwest. Marcia has a fun lineup of vampire movies. Keep in mind the Friday night after hours movies are adults only. Contact Marcia for a list if you need one.
  • October 25: NOSFERATU PREMIERE: This event will be featuring live music played along with the original Nosferatu movie, along with the scenes from the movie that participants created through the Crowdsourced Kenosha events. Doors open at the Kenosha Public Museum at 6pm, program begins 6:30pm.
  1. October 2: Voting Open House
    • Registration information as well as neutral information on other voting topics/issue -- fake news, what's on the ballot/referendums, etc.
  2. Hispanic Heritage Month Film Festival
  3. DIY Horror Movie Posters
    • Event repeats: October, 4, 11, 12, 19
    • This is a great opportunity for new people to experience The Hub!
  4. October 10: Your Health: Integrated and Holistic Medicine
    • This program series has been pretty underrated -- it is a great opportunity to learn more about different aspects of health and bounce questions off of doctors.
  5. October 18: Screenagers: Growing up in the Digital Age
    • In partnership with KUSD, Screenagers is a documentary about the impact of screen technology on kids.
  6. October 20: National Chess Day
    • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Chess Instruction
    • 12:00 - 2:00 PM: Simultaneous Chess Exhibition
    • 2:00 - 4:00 PM: Mini Chess Tournament
  7. October 26: Haunted Simmons Tour! 
    • Registration Opens October 1
      (And yes -- I am still looking for a few more volunteers!)
  8. October Book Club Preview

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

News You Can Use

  • The Bookmobile will be off the road all day this Thursday so that Maintenance can investigate the ongoing generator/electrical issues. Reserves will be held and due dates extended! As always, you or patrons can call the Bookmobile Office at 564-6190 with any questions.  Home Delivery will still be taking place that day.
  • Friday September 14th was the last day for our cleaning company at SW. They will continue to clean other library locations and the Civic Center building. We are phasing in our own in-house cleaning staff in order to provide better service to our staff and patrons. Our in-house cleaning at SW began Monday. Welcome, Abby!
  • More shredding events at NS and SW parking lots scheduled for September 22nd, 9am-4pm.
  • We're hiring for 2 part time Aides at SW. If you're a Page who wants to move up, send us your application materials!
  • We'll be hosting the UW Parkside Community Bus Tour at Uptown Library on Friday. This is an orientation for new professors and staff to introduce them to community projects. We'll be talking about Building Our Future and the Kenosha Parks Alliance.
  • This Thursday, Jill, Lisa L and I will accept the Outstanding Community Impact Award at Harborfest. Thanks to everyone who has worked so hard over the past three years to coordinate and deliver summer parks programs to our central city kids. This award is for YOU!
  • Lots of adult programming on tap over the next few weeks, much of it surrounding the theme of work and the play SWEAT that will be performed by actors from New York City's Public Theater. The full list of programs is here. People can sign up to attend the play here. The play is free and will be held at UAW Local 72 Hall on Washington Road. PLEASE NOTE: The play's dialogue is very adult- lots of swearing and "adult" themes. Please advise people not to bring children. 
  • New Peer Training initiative - take a look at this sweet video from Heather and Anne. Do you have a special skill to share with other staff members? We need you!
  • This week's Bright Spot Award goes to Kristin Kornkven for her fabulous and timely display at SW on the dangers of our local currents and rip tides in both English and Spanish. With 93 drownings in the Great Lakes just this summer, it's clear many people do not understand the dangers of swimming where warning signs are posted. Great public service and a terrific example of leadership. Thank you, Kristin! And thanks for the nomination, Marcia.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Upcoming Programs

From Jennifer:

Hi Everyone,

I often hear from various KPL staff that they wish they had a better idea of what programming they could promote to our patrons! With so much going on, it can be challenging to pick out the most exciting things! I'd like to help with that, so I will be sending out monthly emails to help everyone pick out the best things to up-sell at our service points each month.

Obviously, we are already a bit into September, but I'd like to share anyway because there is TON going on this month. Wherever possible, I have linked to our Facebook events - please share if you are as excited as we are!

If you have any questions about adult programming, feel free to reach out. 


Friday, September 7, 2018

Six KPL Innovation Grant Challenge ideas submitted

Hello, everyone, and Happy Friday!
I am delighted to report that we received 6 submissions for funding for creative and exciting projects.
A team of 3 staff members and one board member will score the applications based on these questions listed in the grant announcement:

  • How this project will benefit the community
  • Who in particular is the target audience
  • How the project fits into KPL’s current Strategic Plan
  • How/ by whom the project will be managed
  • How the project will be sustained
  • How the project’s success will be measured
  • Project Timeline
  • Itemized budget

Here are the ideas submitted:
  • Tiny Libraries to provide children in after-school care sites in low income areas with instant access to more than 150 popular eBooks. (Heather)
  • Refreshed branding for the library including a new logo (Brandi)
  • Biblioboard Creator software to facilitate programs like hosting local author and performer collections online. (Marcia)
  • Smart patron counters for automatic improved tracking of the number of visitors coming and going. (Rob, Max, Brent)
  • Cell phone charger stations (Jake)
  • STEAM programming equipment for Outreach Services to reach grades 3-6 as well as senior citizens. (Lisa)

Thanks to our grant writers for their fabulous ideas and to Martha, Gina, Sheri, and board member Deborah Ross-Corbett for agreeing to evaluate and score the applications. 
Your are all our Bright Spots for the week!
Two other staff members deserve a big round of applause. As our KPL Foundation Liaison, Brandi worked overtime on planning and tracking progress on this year's KPLF Gala event. Since the cancellation of that event, she's also done an outstanding job managing relationships and helping clean up loose ends. Sheri spent considerable time making sure all our donation records were accurate, including records dating back to 2008. At one point this week, Sheri's office floor was covered with boxes and old checkbook registers.
Both Brandi and Sheri deserve to take the stage with our other Bright Spot winners this week! 
Thanks to all of you for your outstanding service to the library and the community! You make us shine!


Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...