Monday, November 30, 2015

Impact of NS Children's Room

Since I'm an administrator, I delve in statistics a lot. So, I was curious to know whether all the money and effort we put into the NS Children's Room made any difference to the public. If collection use is an indicator, the answer is yes. But even more impactful, I think, has been adding children's staff.

I asked Rob to run reports to tell us if circulation of children's materials increased from the last three weeks in October 2015 (before the official celebration event) compared to the first three weeks in November (the celebration was held on November 7th)
Here's what Rob reports:
            Last 21 days of Oct 2015 = 5534 circs
First 21 days of Nov 2015 = 5846 circs

 Now look what adding children's staff this year did:

First 21 days  November 2015  showed a +13.2%  increase over first 21 days in Nov 2014 stats

I'm grinning. I hope you are, too. 



Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...