Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Kids love our coding camps!

Here's a fun message from a coding camp parent:

Joe has Really enjoyed coding the summer. It is a phenomenal program and 
're so lucky that you are providing this for us! Unfortunately, this week will be his last because we are on vacation next week. Thank you again for everything. What an experience!

Skull Modeling at CPL

This is the most exciting story about a library's makerspace and how it saved a boy's life. The surgeons could have gone to the Museum of Science and Industry- how awesome that they chose the library! Joe has been talking to area organizations about creating a makerspace for Kenosha and the Racine Public Library is moving forward with a shared space downtown for the same.
Hopefully we can create something magical here.

Erate Wireless Project funded

I am delighted to report that our erate application to fund expanded wireless capability at KPL locations has been funded through the federal erate program. The roughly $48,000 project will receive about $38,000 (80%)  in grant support through June 30, 2016. 
Many thanks to Brent, Max and Joe for planning this project and to Lin for writing the tedious application for funding!

Patron Privacy

In September, I will be leading a staff session on the ALA Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read statement. In preparation for that discussion, I invite you to read this excellent article that talks about patron privacy in a digital age. Comment here if you like, or join me in September.

Looking forward to the discussion!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Ask me anything!

For those of you actively reading the staff blog, I hope the information I share here is helpful.  If you have a hard time remembering to visit this blog, I've added a signup feature that allows you to subscribe and get new posts right in your email.
There's so much planning and budgeting going on in this office, sometimes it's hard to get to the communications piece and even harder to remember who knows what. We know communication is vitally important. So, I invite you to submit your questions to me anytime and I'll post your question and my answer here on the blog. Chances are, if you're wondering about something, so are ten other people. Your questions will help me make sure that everyone has the information they need.
Ask away----

Flowers at NS

Thanks to everyone for your kind comments regarding the planters at NS. I planted them very full since it's already late in the season. Next year I hope to create educational gardens around all our buildings, like butterfly gardens and edible gardens. Michelle plans to engage the Master Gardener Program at UW Extension to not only help us plan and plant, but provide community education.
I'm afraid that this year we will only be able to maintain what we have. Our fabulous gardener Gail managed to stir up an old back injury her first week on the job. We are grateful for all she accomplished in her short time here!


Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...