Friday, May 29, 2015

NS Kids Remodel Phase 2

If you haven't seen the bright walls in the KPL Kids area, stop by- it's a real treat for the eyes! The next phase begins on Monday or Tuesday when the KPL Kids logo is hung on the blue area above the windows and at the edge of the purple banner near the front pillar. The new power walls arrive on Monday, as well, and we'll be planning on installing them soon. The power walls are mobile shelving units that will separate the children's area from the main walkway into the building. There will be a 10 foot gap between the walls to allow entry and exit from the kids' area. The front side of the power wall will display all our new adult books, freeing up that cramped aisle along the fiction stacks. The back side of the power wall will face the children's area, and allow lots of display of new books and themes.
Our amazing staff at NS is working to consolidate collections after the children's staff Big Weed efforts, and we hope to take down the leftover shelving units in the middle of the room, as well as reduce the number of picture book bins on the floor. And speaking of the floor, we'll be looking at the possibility of replacing the carpet in the back area of the kids' space- it all depends on whether we can squeeze the money from our funds.
The orange wall where the FOL book sale used to be will soon be filled with four new computer stations for kids. Finally the children at NS will have their own computers for school projects and other activities! That's been high on the wishlist from vocal parents. I've submitted a grant application to WE Energies for an additional iPad cart with 16 iPads for collaborative projects like Computer Coding Camps for Kids in that area. We'll see whether that gets funded.
It will take a while for new furniture to arrive. Our order is behind orders from schools, which will likely bump us back to September. Piece by piece, it will come together!
Thanks to everyone who is contributing to this project's success!

1 comment:

  1. The area looks wonderful. So fun and exciting for a children's area. Nice work everyone!



Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...