Friday, August 15, 2014

Our Values: Our Commitment

Remember this? It's time to share it with the public.
Shimon has designed a campaign built around these staff values he's calling "Our Commitment to You."

You will begin to notice the "Our Commitment to You" theme on many of our marketing materials. You'll see it on the suggestion boxes, the "Staff Picks" bookmark, even the table tents inviting people to engage over a game of chess. Some pieces will identify the one word from our values statement most relevant to the service. For instance, the Chess Sets will be identified with "Our Commitment to You: Community." An announcement about a new Outreach activity to minorities might be labeled "Our Commitment to You : Diversity." An electronic powerwall to invite people to download ebooks might bear the emblem "Our Commitment to You: Innovation."
Shimon will be positioning posters of Our Values at each location to introduce this to the public. Please welcome him when you see him.

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