Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Service Dogs

This is a great article about the proliferation of "fake" service dogs. Please remember we can only ask two things:
Is the dog required because of disability?
What services is the dog trained to perform?

We cannot ask about the nature of the disability.

Emotional support animals don't count as service dogs under ADA. So poodles in purses don't need to be admitted to the library. The rule for service dogs is "four (paws) on the floor."

Hard to remember, I know, so just remember you can access this refresher information from our staff blog.

Friday, October 13, 2017

News Updates

Hello, Everyone
Here's some library-wide news:

  • National Friends of the Library Week begins Sunday. We will hold a thank you event in the lobby of Southwest for FOL members from noon till 1:30. Please join us if you can to say thank you.
  • Speaking of FOL, their next book sale is at SW next weekend. The city will also have a shredding event in our parking lot that day, so expect a lot of traffic!
  • The annual Wisconsin Library Association Conference happens next week. Many of us will be there for a day or two.
  • Next Wednesday evening, Kevin Levin, a Civil War Educator, will be at Kenosha's Civil War Museum to discuss the legacy of civil war statues and historical markers. It should be a rich community conversation. KPL is co-sponsoring the event, which begins at 7pm.
  • Brandi is off until next Thursday, so please hold any new marketing projects you have until her return, if possible.
  • Tuesday evening @7pm we broadcast the second installment of Cultivating the Dream, a fascinating look at "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" in Wisconsin today. That live event, followed by community discussion, is at Uptown Neighborhood Library.
  • The IDEA Team meets next Friday evening @6:30pm @SW for a social event/ film and discussion. All staff are welcome.
  • We switch to Daylight Savings Time on November 5th this year.
  • The KPLF Gala was a smashing success and many guests requested that we do it again. Here's a short film of the awards ceremony. Yes, I have a feather on my head. 
Enjoy the warm weekend, everyone!


Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...