Thanks for coming out today. I found the presentation to be not only eye-opening, but emotionally meaningful, and I hope you did, too.
Here's one more story I'd like to share with you. It's a story of your bravery and the impact you have had on the least fortunate in your community because you were willing to take a chance.
About a year ago, this library changed its behavior policy. We eliminated sleeping as a punishable offense. That decision was met with skepticism and resistance from many people on our staff. But it also sent a powerful, positive message to our community and in particular, our homeless community.
Sometimes doing the "right thing" isn't the easy thing to do. But easy things rarely change the world.
As always, but particularly today, I am proud to work alongside each one of you to provide everyone from every background, every creed, and orientation with the information they need to improve their lives, make them stronger, and live their dreams.
Thanks for taking a chance today and opening your minds and hearts to build a more diverse, equitable and inclusive KPL.