Friday, October 14, 2016

AMH videos and website

Here are two useful videos to watch on YouTube that demonstrate the "deshingling" system that separates the materials dumped into the book return. These videos are from RFID Library Solutions, our AMH vendor. Our system won't be set up in either of these exact arrangements, but will have the same components.

And here is a page where you can view the Induction Bin that we will use to process deliveries @SW

Project Schedule AMH

Thanks to everyone who arrived early Thursday and Friday to hear about the AMH project. I promised a link to the project board that gives you an idea of when the various pieces of the project are scheduled. Bear in mind that this schedule will most likely change, depending on all the factors involved. So check back often for the latest update.

Two LSTA Grant Applications Submitted

Every year, KPL submits applications to the state library for project funding. Past successful applications have provided money for outreach to our Latino community, Youth Services Developmental Kits, Computer Coding Camps for Kids, SHARE migration training, and Kenosha Connects hotspot/ Chromebook kits (launching shortly).
LSTA funds also allow us to purchase extra copies of electronic books.
This year, we have submitted three applications:
1. We will launch wireless printing at all county libraries. Patrons will be able to print wirelessly through their smartphones, and even from home. And we'll add signature pads for patrons to electronically sign their library applications. ($9,040)
2. We will move forward with our partnership with Kenosha Community Media to create a Digital Media Lab @SW ($21,539)
3. We'll expand our outreach efforts with dedicated equipment for Programs on the Road. ($11,293)

We won't receive word whether these applications are funded until April 2017.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What our stats are telling us

Every month I eagerly await new statistics. How well are all our efforts doing at getting more people into the library, at our programs, engaged with our reference staff, with our collection? Are people finding what they want? Do they believe in our ability to connect them with their interests? Are they willing to drive in after a long day at work, on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, or after the Packers game on Sunday? Does what we offer still matter to our community?
Trends across the country show public library use is down. Collection checkouts are tanking. People don't visit the way they used to. That was our story since 2011.
No longer.
Since the SHARE migration, our collection use has increased 6% over last year. That's enough new checkouts in just over 3 months to drive a 6% annual increase. Foot traffic is up 5%. Program attendance is up 14%. Computer station use is up 10%, tech help sessions are soaring. And outreach event attendance? Up a whopping 88%.
The SHARE catalog merger has a lot to do with this. So does the pretty new children's space at NS. But the most important reason is YOU. It's Bookmobile staff  bringing the library to Brass School, and the expertise of the youth services staff on that after school bus. It's the displays you create, the faster internet you've enabled, the new technology on the floor, the classes you teach, the book discussions you lead. It's the pretty posters, the digital signs, the clean buildings and the engaging collections.
But most of all, it's your smile, your spirit, and the hospitality you offer to the people coming through the door. That's what's bringing them back. It's the relationships you build. It's YOU!
This library is defying the odds. And it's because of you!
Thank YOU!

PEW Report on Digital Readiness

There's a new PEW report out that breaks the U.S. population down into categories of digital readiness, that is, how willing and able people are to use the internet for their information needs. This is particularly relevant to us as digital literacy educators. Take a look.


Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...