Monday, April 18, 2016

Islam in Montana

What a brilliant article about the reaction to a cultural program that fortified a library's determination to provide lifelong education to its community. What a great example to all of us!

Friday, April 15, 2016

The Skin You Live In

The Skin You Live In  is an amazing children's program from Skokie Public Library. As we move forward with our Inclusive Project, these types of programs will be models. Can't wait to get started.

New Manager Position

Hello, Everyone
There's been a considerable amount of change in our staff recently, and those changes continue. Some of the changes are unexpected. Others, like Tom's new director position, are changes we should expect from a talented staff. I'd like you to know that a group of four of us- Michelle, Lin, Anne, and I- have met several times over the past year to identify the changes we expect, whether because we know people plan to retire or because we know they have dreams like Tom's. We have a plan so we can react quickly and with confidence whenever a staff vacancy occurs, providing the support you need and maintaining our great service structure.
Recently we've been monitoring closely the type of questions people ask most frequently at our various locations. It's become apparent that visitors to Simmons and Uptown rarely ask a reference question, and often ask a tech question. Because we have this information statistically, we are moving forward on staffing Tech Guides in place of reference assistants at Simmons. This is the first instance of Tech Guides on public service "desks" and it is my vision that Tech Guides will be integrated more and more that way. In other words, Tech Guides are integrating with Public Service staff.
Which brings me to the decision on how to fill Tom's position as he heads off to his exciting new adventure in Port Washington. 
Joe Davies has done a tremendous job developing our Tech Guide positions from scratch. His digital training programs for staff and public are stellar and have contributed greatly to the huge increase in public programming attendance we are witnessing. The new web site is farmed out to a consultant, and the RFID plan is nearly in place. It's a good transition time for Joe. It is clear to me that digital services are very much part of Public Services in a modern, progressive library. Therefore, in keeping with our long range staffing plan, we will be combining Joe and Tom's positions. Joe will move into a new combined position called Head of Adult and Digital Services. Tech Guides will move to the Adult and Digital Services Department and become completely integrated with the Public Services team.
By eliminating the Digital Services Manager position, and choosing not to fill a vacancy in circ, we are able to fulfill a few more goals on our list:
We will be hiring a part time Accounting Clerk for Sheri Zaionc to ease the burden of Sheri's workload and provide extra checks and balances in our accounting practices. 
We will be hiring more Tech Guides to add to our public service desks.
We will hire another full time Youth Services Librarian to expand the phenomenal programs that team has established. 
Because Head of Adult and Digital Services is a new position, I will need Board approval before the transition can occur. I will be taking the plan to the Board's Personnel and Finance Committee meeting on Tuesday, and to the full Board for approval on May 10th. The tentative date for the transition, should I get Board approval, will be May 16th. In the meantime, I will be asking Joe to study the current staffing in Adult Services and recommend how to fill the voids left behind by recent staff resignations. So, AS staff, help is on the way!
It is my great joy to watch so many of our talented staff embrace new opportunities here at KPL. So many of you are shining in your new roles! Soon there will be even more opportunities. I hope that some of you with a strong interest and skill with technology  and a love for public service will consider applying for a Tech Guide position. If you're good with numbers and a true perfectionist, please consider applying for the Accounting Clerk position when it's advertised. If you're an Adult Services Librarian longing to serve children, you will have that opportunity soon. 
I love visiting our libraries. There is a happy energy among you these days, a sense of hospitality I can feel every time I walk in. That means our whole community can feel it, too. They are welcomed. 
Thank you for bringing your best side to work every day. Thank you for believing in what you do and recognizing your importance and the importance of every one of our staff members in this organization. 
Happy National Library Week!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Computer Bar Coming this Summer to SW

Linnea Bakery made beautiful improvements in the lobby at Southwest Neighborhood Library when they moved in this year. Now we're focusing on the other side of the lobby by building a computer bar against the windows. We've picked out the counter top, chairs, and other necessary components. Construction will begin mid-May at the shop with a target date for completion early June.

Uptown Open Saturday

All systems are go for library service to resume at Uptown on Saturday, April 9th.


Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...