Thursday, June 25, 2015

NS Power Wall Coming to Life

New Children's Books

Children's Graphic Novels

New Adult Fiction

New Adult Nonfiction

Where are we with the RFID project?

Some of you might be wondering when we'll begin tagging the collection and adding self-service equipment. I'm pulling together RFP documents- Request for Proposals- to deliver to the city, who will then post for vendor responses. (It's a capital budget project, meaning the majority of the money comes from the city.)  So far we have quotes from 3 vendors based on simple conversations. That helps us understand whether the project is feasible, and also what our return on investment will be. How much money will we save? Will we be able to move our staff toward program support or tech support or children's services, or other areas of need? How has this helped other libraries keep up with what their patrons are demanding? We have those questions answered and we are sure this is what we want to do.
Now we have to get down to the details and list out our demands on paper, both technical and service demands. The vendors then need to tell us in writing that they can fill all those demands with their products. If they can't meet our demands, they aren't a choice for us. For instance, one of the demands I am listing is that the self check interface offer reading recommendations to patrons based on what they are checking out, and allow the patron to print those recommendations onto their receipt.
It will take a few months to work through this process. Then we will choose the winning vendor, purchase some tags and equipment, and get started.
I'll keep you informed along the way.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Meet Bob

The Bookmobile is transforming into the KPL Discovery Bus and Bob (Books on Board)  is our new Discovery Bus mascot.
Thanks to Ed M and Brandi for two fabulous ideas!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Message from our local Rotarians

One of our Kenosha Rotary clubs is very involved in a program that ships books to the far corners of the world. This morning, a fleet of volunteers came with their pickup trucks to collect the leftovers from our weekend FOL book sale. When Michelle thanked them, here is what Rolly Peckus replied. I thought you might want to know that our discarded books won't be wasted.

Bless your hearts! 
I was thinking over the weekend about the work we're all doing together. I don't know who's getting the greater benefit, you or Rotary Books For the World. For me, it's the folks around the world who have never held a book in their hands. What a wonderful gift you're giving to those who want to learn how to read English. 
Thank you once again and I look forward to the next pickup.

Friday, June 5, 2015

More Good News!

KPL has been selected as one of 10 libraries in Wisconsin to participate in the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction's new Play and Read Program. We will be assigned 2-3 trained AmeriCorp volunteers to conduct literacy play groups in our libraries and conduct home visits. Individual children will be monitored for skills improvement over a 10 month period. The program is funded primarily through federal funds. A local match of $5,000 will be solicited from various support organizations.
Congratulations to our amazing Youth Services staff for yet another project award!
News for the week:

  • The shelving, benches, playpods, learning walls,  tables, and chairs are ordered for KPL Kids! We're looking at a 6-12 week turnaround for some pieces, but others should arrive sooner. Little by little, the room is coming together. 
  • We're changing carpet in the back portion of the new KPL Kids room  while we wait for furniture. That will get ordered this week.
  • The power wall shelving should be up early next week along the main entryway at NS.

  • SRP is underway for kids, teens, and adults! All the details are here.
  • We'll be adding gardening staff in another week. Look out, weeds! Your days are numbered.
  • The Simmons 115th Anniversary Celebration has been postponed to September 26 due to an extended construction period.
  • The library board meeting scheduled for Monday has been moved to Wednesday at 5:30pm at NS. We wll have a changing of the guard July 1. Len Iaquinta and Gordon Wyllie have both reached term limits and will be replaced with George O'Malley and Dianna Hodges.
  • The FOL book sale is tonight through Sunday at SW.
  • WGTD will air an interview with about SRP in Kenosha County on Saturday, June 13th at 10:30am
  • Virginia Brown, a resident of Bristol, has agreed to join the KCLS board.
  • The Outreach Team will meet on June 22 to begin the very important job of writing a KPL Outreach Plan.
  • We are re-posting our ad for Customer Experience Manager. 
  • Laura Kastelic, Lynda Gerlach, and Linda Smith have all announced their retirements this summer. The combined service to the Kenosha community of these wonderful women is just staggering. They will be sorely missed by us and the patrons they served for so many years. We wish them every happiness in this new phase of their lives.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...