Friday, October 31, 2014

Ellen Melyon Retirement

Hello, Everyone
As of yesterday, Ellen Melyon has retired from Kenosha Public Library. We thank her for her service and her friendship during her many years on staff.
WiLS will be conducting an independent evaluation of our organizational structure and processes in Collection Development. While we transition, Scott Kroes will serve as Acting Department Head and Lori Bonanno will retain her role as Supervising Clerk. Please give them your full support.
Things may take a little longer to get from order to shelf and your reports or statistics requests may also take a little while longer to process. Please give the Collection Development staff as much breathing room as you can as they learn their new roles and improve their processes. 
KPL is ONE team dedicated to outstanding customer service. Every staff member is valued and respected for his or her contribution. Your support will ease the strain in Collection Development during this transition period. 
In keeping with our shared values of Compassion and Respect, I also ask that you refrain from any gossip about this staff transition, and gently remind anyone who forgets that this is a kind and compassionate organization where everyone's dignity is respectfully honored. 
Thank you.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Take a table from the basement storage at Uptown, put it on the floor at NS, and say "create something," then step back and grin while the creative juices of this amazing staff start to flow. This table is the best children's display I have ever seen in a library. And that's saying a lot! Coupled with the newly upholstered chairs and the gorgeous table display at the entrance to Northside and you have the ingredients for renewed energy and a delightful user experience.
This is the new space we have created at SW for New Books. Our target date for launch is Tuesday morning. There is a new round laminate wood grain top to add, letters spelling NEW to add to the walls above, and, of course, lots of new books to shelve and face front and display. We have benches to position along the front for people to sit and gaze at all the pretty new books. And Jill has new nesting tables to create interesting topical displays down "Main Street."
Do these projects make you smile? Are you a creative person who has lots of ideas on how to get our collection into the hands of our community? The KPL Marketing Team needs you! Send me an email and tell me your big idea. This effort is going to take a lot of brains and a lot of bodies. But it may turn out to be the most fun we've had at work in years!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Internet Policy Updated

Hello, Everyone
Effective immediately, library staff will not exclude children from using the Internet or computers in the library. Parents are free to make choices for their children, but must be present to make that choice. An updated Internet Policy, approved by the Board last evening,  will be coming to your mailboxes shortly.
If you have any questions, feel free to send them my way.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

New Displays at Northside

Look what Cathy Polovina pulled together for a beautiful new fall display! We have many more tables like these in the basement at Uptown. Let me know if you'd like to create something like this at your neighborhood library.


Thanks to Jason Rimkus for taking four hours of Opening Day footage and crafting a lovely 10 minute video. Bravo! This week's Bright S...